You all might think that i am weak.....
But when i rise from my pathetic funeral.....
I suggest you all to raise your vigilance higher cause i am coming for All.Of.YOU !
On the previous Death Battle, The four kids who is a Warriors of Hope almost killed by their own teammates who is a green hair girl named Monaca Towa, (*sigh*) i cant believe that green bitch betrayed her own friends
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Masaru Daimon the red hair boy along with Shingetsu Nagisa (blue hair), Kotoko Utsugi (pink hair), Jataro kemuri (mask boy) is saved by Hiro and Another Hiro along with Black and White Rock Shooter and the one that try to kill those 4 kids is Monaca Towa, she did that because she wants to be the successor of her "Big Sis" Junko Enoshima.
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Zombienitroz (Death Battle Announcer) : "Hello everyone, i am very sorry i havent uploaded another DEATH BATTLE, well its because of that green bitch who brought Monokuma armies to take over my colliseum death battle. Oh and you might be wandering where our Team Monochrome and the 4 kids went ? well they are currently in the Lab Room. Currently they are badly damaged because of the attacks of Monaca Towa's Mecha Robot along with Monokuma Armies,
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