You all might think that i am weak.....
But when i rise from my pathetic funeral.....
I suggest you all to raise your vigilance higher cause i am coming for All.Of.YOU !
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Kamen Rider Genm Clothes: exactly like in the picture Hobby: Playing Video Games, Combat Training (MuayThai, Tae Kwon Do, Jiujitsu), playing BMX, skateboarding.
Items: Proto Mighty Action X, Shakariki Sports, Magic The Wizard, Ganbarizing, Proto Shakariki Sports, Proto Mighty Action X Origin, Dangerous Zombie, God Maximum Mighty X gashat
Semblance: -Tricky Acrobatic, gives Shindo an ability to fight the enemy with full stamina, parkour skills, close + range combats (his close + range combat will be more deadlier if he mix it with his taekowndo, muaythai, jiujitsu).
-Undead Healing, this semblance will appear if Shindo use Level X form. This semblance can fix his bones and all of his body parts when damaged by enemies attacks.
Background: hes life is worst...same as jack, beaten, bullied by Russel (one of CRDL members), and cheated by his girlfriend (Yang) who is dating Russel. He beat up Russel so hard until Yang call the police and accuse Shindo's for attacking Yang's girlfriend. Chased by police, he had been cornered but a black portal appear under his feet and suddenly he teleported in front of the door of an old building that will change his life