My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah Right! 19

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Marcus was standing there watching me

"Get Out!"

"Why is it every time you say that I get in"

I turned the water off and pushed the door but he pushed me back

"Im getting out! Im getting Out!" I tried pushing him

He pushed me against the wall and turned the water back on. He was naked. Crap. For some odd reason I was transfixed on it. But the water splashing on my snapped me out of my daze.

"Marcus"I moaned

"Marlyn" He cooded

"What the hell!" He laughed

"So hows the human feeling?"

"Better" I crossed my arms over my chest

"Good. So we need to think of a plan" He put his finger on his chin

"Cant this wait till I get out the shower. Turn some cold water on the waters too hot"

"You do it" He was blocking the knobs.

"Marcus!" I slapped his chest hard. He raised his hand and smacked my thigh

"Fuck!" my leg turned red. He started laughing harder

"This is not funny. The water is too hot!" red dot was forming on me. He turned around and the water got cooler. Then icy cold

"Ahhh" He kept laughing "Its too cold. I pushed myself in the corner. His laughter was getting louder. Echoing off the walls.

"I know" He looked down and I pulled my hair forward. "Its no use" He grinned and walked closer to me.

"Marcus, how many times do we have to do this?" I began to shiver.

"I don't know." He turned around and adjusted the water. It was back to perfect "Until you learn or I get my way"

"Thank you" I began to relax. I wasn't going to comment on his remark.

"So I did two favors for you. Now you owe me"

"Noo that doesn't count I could of died"

"I saved you life like a million times. Your in lifetime dept to me" He grinned wider showing his teeth

"Nooo" He took a step closer to me again

"Yes. Now favor number one. Give me a hug" He opened his arms. Waiting for me, I just looked at him. "If you don't give me a hug ill hug you"

He stepped closer pulled me and crushed me against him. I would of screamed but I was pressed against his chest

"See this isn't to bad" He loosened his grip a bit. "So we need a plan so we can get you away from Trent" He rested his chin on my head

"We're going to plot this in the shower?" I mumbled against his chest

"Yup" We stayed quite for a while, I knew the water wasn't going to run out anytime soon.

"What If we appeal to the king?" He heard Trents side but not mine

"What?" He leaned back and looked at me

"Well Trent somehow convince his dad that he should have me, maybe I should talk to him to let me live you guys"

"That's a good ideal. Buts not about living its about you belonging to me"

"Im a human being. I don't belong to anyone"

"Here you do"

"Whatever. So when can we do this?"

"We have time don't worry." He hugged me tighter

"I only have one day left" He ignored me

"See how productive we are, we came up with a plan, and we bonded some more" I knew he was smiling.

"Bonding? You seriously believe that don't you?"

"Yes, being able to be comfortable naked says a lot"

"Im not comfortable"

"Yes you are"

"How can I be comfortable with us hugging in the shower"

"You forgot that we were naked"

"We're in the shower. I can feel you I cant forget that"

"We're naked. Our privates are touching" He laughed

"Can you let go of me" I tried to wiggle my way down but all I was doing was rubbing against him more. It was nerve wrecking. The closeness of us was sending electric shocks through my entire body. I was trying to ignore them.

"What are you doing?"

"Im trying to break loose"

"Doesn't feel that way, trying to get a feel?" He laughed again. I was glad he was in a good mood though

"Nooo! How long do you plan on holding me. My feet are starting to hurt" Actually they were getting wrinkled

He pushed me against the wall, picked me up and wrapped my legs around him.

"If you don't put me down right now Im going to yell" God, he was rubbing against me. This isn't the way I pictured me saying my feet hurt would turn into. It was strange. Ive never seen or felt one until him. This wasn't the way I wanted this to go. I squeezed my eyes shut. I was going to yell 3...2...1..I opened my mouth but it was attacked by his mouth.

His tongue licked my upper lip and he bit down on my lower one. My eyes popped open. His brown eyes were directly in front of me, he winked and closed his.

I couldn't even shut my mouth, I just left it hanging while his tongue explored. It went over my teeth, my lips a few times, he nibbled on my lower lip he even played with my own tongue. Which I had no intension of moving with his.

"Your no fun" He pushed me harder into the wall, I groaned in his mouth and my tongue went forward, he bit it. I tasted my own blood, he sucked on my tiny cut until it healed.

Then I tasted it. His delicious blood. This time I tried to shut my mouth. I didn't want it. I didn't want to want him in this situation but it slowly it crept into my mouth, on my tongue. I swallowed it. My lust kicked in I stuck my tongue in his mouth. He pushed his into mine, I grabbed hold of it with my teeth and sucked hard. My hands grabbed hold of his hair I was pulling hard. His fount there way into my hair. He was yanking at it but I didn't feel the pain all I felt was the fire in my veins and the intoxicating liquid in my mouth.

I moaned quietly, I couldn't describe what it tasted like but it was the best tasting. I could tell myself why I want it but I knew the only way to have it was threw Marcus. It didn't matter that I felt all my reason slipping away. I knew all the protection I had in my head and heart disappeared. I was wide open to the world to see. It didn't matter. What only mattered was Me and Marcus. Slowly the blood disappeared and he pulled away from me. I opened my eyes and he was looking deep inside of me. He smiled.

He gave me a peck on the lips, then my cheek, he moved all the way down to my neck. I wasn't afraid something in me told me I wasn't going to be hurt this time.

I felt his teeth sink into my skin slowly, there was no pain. His sucked and licked my neck at the same time. Taking his time. He was being gentle. I felt wonderful. This felt wonderful. I wrapped my legs and arms tighter around him but he pulled away. I was put down and he walked out the shower. The water started falling back on me.

Why'd he leave?

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now