My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah Right 27

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The night passed slowly. No one came near me. I watched the crowd as humans were bitten hit and a few were killed. I watched Marcus's every move he had to stay with his family as they made their way with all the other royal families. It was strange to watch, every so often he would look my way. Everyone was watching me. I played with the little bottle in my hand trying to find a way to drink it without being noticed but it was hard.

The band started playing, mostly everyone was dancing, some where drinking not paying attention to me. This was my chance, I wasn't thinking about what I was planning just thinking about my family, how much I missed them and how much my life's changed

I undid the top, put my finger in it and brought it to my mouth. I was right, it was his blood. I needed this badly. My body began to crave for it. My eyes swept across the clearing. I didn't feel as if I was being watched.

I stretched and made a wide fake yawn, bring my hand with the bottle to my mouth, pouring it into my mouth. I stopped and put the lid back on. I drank half of it.

I spotted Trent in the crowd, he was making his way to me. I needed to finish this quick. I made another yawn and downed the rest fast. Some spilling onto my chin, I wiped my chin quickly. I didn't know what to do with the bottle. I put it between my legs.

"Marlyn" Trent was smiling widely. How the hell could he be smiling right now

"What" He frowned

"How are you?"

"Im fine, just counting the seconds till I die" He walked in front of me. Blocking me from the crowd

"Yes, your just eager to die" He kneeled down and put his hands on my thigh. His hand was inches away from the bottle. My heart began to speed up.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him

"I want" He parted my legs and grabbed the bottle. It was empty He smiled and placed in his pocket "This"

"Please" I whispered. He put a finger on my lips

"Don't worry your secret is safe. I just hope you know what to do now"

"I don't" I groaned

"You will" He got up and left me.

Why wasn't anyone helping me right now. I was tired of them depending on me. I need help, it was me against all these damn blood suckers.

It was almost time the sky was black but the light kept things bright enough for me to see. They were getting edgy, a lot of the kidnapped were getting hit, and bitten still. They were hungry and for once I was scared.

A ice cold hand touched my neck. I froze.

"You have 10 minutes" I relaxed it was The King. He walked in front of me. He was grinning widely.


"Im trying to decide if im going to kill you or torture you first"

"What do you feel like doing?"

"We need entertainment" He glanced back at the crowd.

"Yeah its pretty boring" He raised an eyebrow.

"You think so?" I nodded "Well, did you come up with a plan?"


"Don't play stupid."

"I don't know what your talking about"

"I decided" He grinned just like Trent

"What your going to torture me?" I rolled my eyes. He became serious.

"Your going to regret that" He turned away from me.

I knew I was.

Queen Anna walked onto the stage and grabbed her husbands hand. The band stopped playing and everyone turned to face them. The silence lasted forever

"Thank you for attending Midnight Kill." The crowd erupted into cheers

"This is the death sentence of Marlyn Taylor for disrupting Your Majesty, and disobeying Royalty!" The crowd began to boo.

Disrespect and disobeying! That was a lie! I had a plan forming in my head. I wasn't going to die tonight

The King turned to look at me grinning widely. He walked slowly to me, the crowd began yelling.

"Are you ready?"

"I hate you!" I got up and picked up my chair.

"What are you going to do with that?" He laughed

"Im going to Kill you!" I had no ideal how to kill a vampire but I was going to find a way.

He opened his mouth fangs showing and made his hands into claws. I was determined just as he was this was it.

I was either going to kill him or die trying.

My Kidnapper says showering together is bonding. Yeah RightWhere stories live. Discover now