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I pulled my arm out from underneath my bronzed toned body and smacked my alarm clock so hard that I'm sure it would never BEEP BEEP ever again . I threw my duvet cover off my warm body , my legs swung out of bed and my body followed , causing me to get a minor head rush. I made my way to the bathroom , where I urinated , brushed my grills and washed my genitals.I then headed back to my bedroom where i moisturized my sexy body and threw on my white shirt and my grey tapered trousers. I ran down my cream carpet paved stairs and strode into my modern red kitchen where my creators were sitting eating yogurt parfaits .

I took a seat around the island, opposite my mum .

"Morning producers."I said with a smug look on my face

"Morning honey."

"Morning son." Mum and dad said close enough together for it to be one sentence.

Maria (my housekeeper) placed a kiwi fruit parfait and a small glass of orange juice {with bits of course} on my tray , which i had consumed within approximately 1 minute 26 seconds.

I made my way into the giant room of which i believed was called a hallway,where my fresh wallabees were sitting alongside my black hype backpack . I pushed my feet into my shoes and threw my bag onto my back .

"Bye all" I picked up my navy blue blazer off the banister and opened the front door.

"Have a good first day, hun" my mum hollered from the kitchen.

"I will" I walked out and shut the door behind me.

I jumped into my Audi r8 and made my way to The Palmer Academy. I parked in the first empty space I saw then climbed of my car. As I turned around the whole female nation of The Palmer Academy was staring at me. I made my way to the registration office to go and get my timetable, then found my way back to the main corridor. As I was walking it was deadly silent .. kinda scary you know.

All of the girls were whispering and waving at me {But then , how could you resist .. I am the Sex God.} I then came across the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, so being the Mr.cocky that I am I winked at her .The bell then rang , I strolled up the the coolest looking boy I could find in the hall way and I've got to admit he is almost as good looking as me {not bad, not bad}. He then directed me to room 206 which was my first lesson; French.

I stood at the front of the class and watched as everyone entered and took their seat ,once everyone was seated I searched the room looking for an empty seat , which I sucessfully found, next to those girls that I was preeing in the hallway.

Lucky for me the prettier one was staring at me ..

"Hey, Reece." the other one whispered.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Vanéa thinks you're cute." She said smirking at me.

Her eyes widened in shock and she tried to avoid all eye contact, but I still caught some. 'Vanéa' I thought. That's a nice name.

"I think you're cute too." I said to her with a slight smirk.

The other girl smirked and Vanéa smacked her in the arm. I like a girl who's feisty. The other girl winced in pain and glared at Vanéa whilst she gave her an innocent smile.

"Oops." She smirked.

Vanéa opened her book and then put up her hand.

"Oui Vanéa." Mr.Louis said.

"Mon livre est terminé. Puis-je avoir un nouveau s'il vous plaît?" She asked.

So she speaks French, so do I. I like this chick.

"Bien sûr. Il ya certains dans le placard derrière vous. Pouvez-vous obtenir un pour Reece ainsi." He answered.

She got up and went in the cupboard behind her and opened it, taking out two exercise books. She dropped one and cursed. She bent down and picked up the book and might I say she has a mighty fine bum. I bit my lip and she stood up after she collected the book from the ground, much to my disappointment. She handed me a book and smiled at me.

"je voudrais frapper que n'importe quel jour" She scoffed and walked away.

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