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I scoffed and sat back down in my seat whilst Reece still had a smirk plastered plastered on his face. As I did my work I could feel someone staring at me intensely and I turned around, only to see Reece staring at me. I could see Louise smirking to herself and I rolled my eyes.

After a long forty five minutes the lesson ended and Louise, Leigh-Anne and I headed to second period. Leigh-Anne and I waved by to Louise and walked into the classroom, where I saw Jake. He winked at me and I smirked. I sat down next to Leigh-Anne in the middle-row and to my dismay Reece walked into the room. He smirked at me and I looked away from him. I turned around to face Jake and I saw him eyeing Reece up and down. I smiled at Jake and he returned the favour.

"Ms.Smith can you turn around and open your exercise book. You can flirt with Jake in your own time." Said Mrs.Langland.

"Yes miss." I answered before turning around.

I opened my exercise book and wrote down the date and title. Once we were assigned work, I began to write. After a while I felt Leigh-Anne tap my shoulder and I turned to face her. She handed me a slip of paper and I opened it, to find that it was a note from Jake.

'I don't like the way that Reece kid is staring at you.'


I turned around and surely enough Reece was staring at me. He winked at me and I quickly looked away, certain that my face was now a deep shade of red. I heard Jake clear his throat and I turned around to see if Reece was still staring at me. He wasn't and I noticed that Jake had a small smirk of satisfaction on his face. 

 "Okay guys we are now going to get into pairs"stated Mrs Langland,Before everybody ran into pairs.

I got up out of my seat to sit next to Jake to see he was already sat next to Nate, his day one. The only other options were snotty nosed Scott  or  Reece, its like Reece is trying to test me .. But I'm not falling for it, if he doesn't like what's going on that's not my problem, he will just have to deal with it .

"So guys, the project for this term is... THE BABY GAME" Mrs.Langland shared with us in excitement.

I glanced over my shoulder at Jake and Nate and Jake glared at Reece before looking at me. I shrugged, then looked over to Reece and gave a friendly smile .

Mrs.Langland started handing out booklets with the information for our projects. I skimmed through it and I felt Reece looking over my shoulder, trying to read the booklet also.

"You're in my personal space." I stated.

"Okay." He replied without moving.

"Are you going to move or.....?" I asked whilst looking at him.

"No." He smirked and moved closer to me. 

I sighed. Working with him is going to be harder than I thought.

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