Chapter Twelve

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Three hours earlier

Saturday, April 12, 2014

4:30 am


I was lead through the woods, my heart beating fast inside my chest when the house appeared in my line of vision.

The officer continued dragging me and I could make out different police cars and an ambulance parked in the driveway.

I saw the Mattheus family standing outside in their sleeping-wear and almost ran ahead when I saw Laila and Emilie standing by them. ‘Laila! Emilie!’ I yell feeling myself being pulled back by the officer.

‘Stay still.’ He says and I let out a sigh of relief, seeing Laila and Emilie being held back as well by officers.

‘Spencer!’ They yell in unison and I let out a sob, closing my eyes for a brief moment, thanking God they’re ok.

We near them, and I watch their faces turn from shock, to terror, to confusion.

‘She’s my daughter. Let her go.’ I hear Rodrigo say, stepping ahead only to be held back by an officer.

‘She’s a witness in a murder.’ The officer tells him in a calm voice. ‘She had the murder weapon in her hands.’

I watch Laila and Emilie widen her eyes, as well as everyone in the Mattheus family before I hear Rodrigo speak again. ‘There has to be an explanation—‘

‘There will be.’ I watch a man in a suit step in. ‘That’s why we’ll take her in for interrogation.’

I ignore them and stare at Rodrigo. ‘Theo. Is he ok?’ I ask him desperately as the officer pulls me towards a police car.

‘He’s with Lillian. The ambulance took them to the hospital.’ He tells me switching his gaze from me to the officer. ‘Stop manhandling her!’ He tells him with a glare and the man in the suit steps in.

‘Don’t worry Mr. Mattheus, I take it from here.’ He nods towards two officers. ‘Take the two girls as well; we need to interrogate them.’ He motions towards Emilie and Laila, causing a revolt between the Mattheus family.

‘We need them to share their part of tonight’s occurrences.’ The man says through their protests. ‘You’re free to wait for them at the station.’

He nods towards the two officers again and walks towards a black car, getting in.

‘Come on.’ I feel the officer push my head softly as he motions me to enter the police car; I oblige.

He closes the door and I watch through the window as Emilie and Laila are escorted by two officers who walk them towards another police car and motion them to enter.

I feel the car move, as I watch officers keep Tino and Leo back, and I switch my gaze ahead of me.

I let my eyes close as the weight of tonight’s events falls upon my shoulders.


How could a night start off so simple.. so’ innocent’; and end up so twisted?




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