Chapter Eleven

46 4 2



Saturday, April 12, 2014

7:30 am


I close my eyes, taking a sip of water from the styrofoam cup.

‘I thought you were dead.’ Laila whispers beside me and glance at her, shaking my head.

‘What happened?’ Emilie asks from beside her and we lock gazes.

I shake my head, feeling my eyes tear up, not yet ready to talk about it.

‘He will be ok.’ She whispers glancing from Laila to me.

I just stare back ahead, closing my eyes once again.

The door to the interrogation room opens up abruptly and Detective Marshall walks in.

I stand up, and watch the officer in the corner take a step closer to me. ‘How is he?’ I ask with my heart in my throat.

Detective Marshall waves the officer off and I watch him step back. ‘He’s stable.’ He says and I sob, feeling happy tears escape my eyes.

I hear Laila let out a sob as well as Emilie mutters ‘Thank God.’

‘Thank you.’ I tell him, and he nods.

I take a seat back in the chair and watch him stand in front of us.

‘We found the other girl.’ Detective Marshall says and I hear Emilie gasp.

‘Meagan?’ I ask and he nods.

‘A family of four found her walking by the road as they were driving by.’ He tells us. ‘She’ll be here in a—‘

He’s interrupted when the door opens revealing an officer, with Meagan by his side.

I watch Emilie and Laila stand up and take a step when Detective Marshall stops them with his hand. ‘We need to talk first.’ He tells them and they nod

Emilie gives Meagan a small smile, and she answers with a smile of her own, glancing at us.

The officer takes a chair and places it besides Emilie’s, where he motions Meagan to take a seat.

A minute passes as Detective Marshall stares between the four of us.

‘Ms. Roberts is presenting mental instability, so she’s being kept under professional watch.’ He says but continues. ‘I need to hear the story now. All of it.’

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