My Medicine - Short

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Draco and Y/n were in the 7th year and Draco was extremely stressed. They had to study for their O.W.L.s  They want to the lake and Draco he was so stressed and tense causing him to be grouchy.

"Babe? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." he pushed it off and turned his back to you. 

He's laying down on his side and had his eyes closed. His pale skin as warm from the sun rays hitting his body. You laid behind him on your side and snuggled him whilst kissing between his shoulder blades. He immediately relaxed and melted into your touch.

"Babe, don't lie to me. I can tell when you're lying. We've been together for 7 years."   

"And those 7 years have been the best. I'm sorry darling."

"It's okay  babe."

"My dad has just been mean to me lately about this whole death...e-eat- " He couldn't finish the words. They hurt too much to say. Draco only became a deather eater because they said they would hurt you.

"Its okay baby"

"I think I need some medicine darling." He says pouting

"Of course baby." You snuggled into his chest, breathing in his scent of vanilla and his shampoo. 

"I love taking My Medicine..."

A/n: Haii. It's Bubbles! I wanted to say I'm making changes to my update system. I will update this book when the latest chapter of the book reaches 40 views. (So when this one reaches 40 views, I'll post another chapter.) That's It! 

Be kind to one another! 

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