Chapter 4

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Her arms leave my grasp. Looking out the window, I see her running towards her car. I didn't think she would would work a job that started so late. Who am I to judge though.

The worried and nervous feelings for Marina do not subside. She had a black eye. How did that happen. Is she abused my her fiancé? She did honestly look like she missed the days they were dating.. back in high school. How long they have been together still makes me dizzy.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Taking it out, I see its from Nathan.

Babe, you've been gone all afternoon. I miss you. Come home soon. And bring food.


I realize that I have been gone all afternoon. I head towards my small car. It fits two, so that is all we need.

I stop by a fast food place in my way home. Being to lazy to stop at the store and get something healthy. I am home in minutes

"I'm home!" I yell into the house. I hear quick footsteps come pattering to the door. My husband quickly engulfs me in a hug.

"I missed you, Lana." I smile awkwardly. It is hard to be lovey dovey with someone you don't exactly love. I hold up the food and that works to get him from hugging me. He takes it to the table and we sit down and eat. And yes, we are that kind of family, leave it alone.

"You changed your hair..." I look up from my meal. Nathan is studying my new look. "I like it." I smile a thank you kind of smile towards him. He quickly notices that my mood is slightly off.

"Are you ok, babe?" I just nod. That doesn't convince him. He continues to ask questions, trying to get me to open up. I just give in, that is easier than not telling him.

"I met this girl named Marina today. We literally bumped into each other. We had coffee. There was just something about her that didn't seem right. She said she has been engaged for twelve years. That is extremely rare. I can't tell if she doesn't want to get married but doesn't want to leave her fiancé, or something completely different." I ramble on and on about my observation on Marina, obviously leaving out the part about abuse of any sort that I think she receives.

"She seems like a good person. And I don't know her situation, but it is just a little weird." I calm down slightly at his response. But the nagging feeling that something is wrong never leaves.

Throwing away the trash and placing our plates in the sink. I start to do the dishes, but Nathan stops me.

"Let me do them tonight." I just shrug. Leaving the kitchen, I walk up to our room. I see the time on the bedside clock that Nathan has. 7:14. Maybe I could call Marina and see if she would talk to me.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and lay down on my side of the bed. I find her number runny contacts. The line starts ringing. After about ten rings or so, it goes to voicemail.

Okay... I wonder what she is doing...

I try a couple more times, cause I am that type of person. She doesn't answer at all. That sets off smoke alarms in my head. I starts to worry about her even more. She showed clear signs that she was abused in some way.

My worry gets the best of me. I take out my laptop. Doing some research using her phone number and first name, I eventually get an address. It must have taken me a couple hours to do so, cause when I look up, I see Nathan standing at the foot of the bed. He seems intrigued by what I was so into.

"Hey." I greet him. He rolls his eyes at my casualness. I am surprised he hasn't noticed that I'm not exactly in love with him.

"Hey" he greets back. He climbs onto the bed and gets comfortable next to me. "Whatcha doin." He asks in an more childish voice.

"I can't help but feel worried for Marina. So I did some research and found her address. I may go over in the middle of the night to see if she is ok..." Nathan nods his head.

"Even though you just met her, you have a genuine concern for her. That's one of the things I love about you." Even though I don't love Nathan, I still love it when he says he loves me. Even though he doesn't know the Lies I hide from him, he still loves me.

"I love you to." As a friend. Which I obviously don't add. I look back at my laptop. I open Netflix and pick a random movie that I see. Nathan will watch anything, so he lets me pick 98% of the time.

At around ten, Nathan starts to get ready for bed. That's when I start to plan what I am going to do.

At midnight I will leave the house. I will navigate to her address. Bang on the door till she opens it. If her fiancé answers, I will just ask for her. If he acts in any bad way for me, I will text Nathan. Then I will get the hell out of there. But if Marina answers, I will force her to sit and spill her guts to a total stranger who cares for her.

I run over the plan a few times. Running it by Nathan to, since he is in it. He agrees and will leave his phone on just in case.

I watch a couple episodes of Sherlock to calm me down. Then I get up and head towards Marina's. She won't even expect me. That is the only weird part. I walk up her porch and ring the doorbell. After a few minutes, I ring it again. I am not leaving till this door is answered. After about fifteen minutes of ringing the doorbell and waiting, the door opens.

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