Chapter 30

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We walk out of the doctors office. Marina's tear stained face breaks my heart.

I help her to and into the car. Her shocked face doesn't seem aware of her surroundings. Like she's gone Numb.

I walk around the car and enter the drivers side. I nervously look over at Marina. She is on the brink of tears. She finally lets them spill over. She places her head in her hands and starts to let out all the pent up emotions.

I lean over and bring her to my chest. She cowers into it almost immedietly. She seems so broken by the news the doctor gave us. To be honest, I am in shock a little.

"Why me... why is my life so fucked up... what did I ever do to deserve all of this..." I hear Marina mumble in between sobs in into my shirt.

I feel helpless against all the shit being thrown Marina's way. She has done nothing to deserve any of this. She is so shy and scared of life. She is to sweet to be anything but happy.

We sit there for around another hour. Marina has calmed down enough (or has probably run out of tears) for me to drive back home.

We quietly walk into the house. Nathan's car was gone from the driveway, he has just probably gone out to see some of his friends.

Walking into our room, Marina goes straight for the bed. Burying herself under the huge comforter. She, I assume, tries to go to sleep. I don't blame her, she has just gotten some huge news and most likely cried her eyes out because of it.

I kneel next to the bed. I take a lock of her dark hair inbetween my fingers. I hear Marina take a breath and sigh.

"Do you want to be left alone?" I ask. She nods her head. Marina doesn't bother turning her head to face me. She continues to face the wall.

I slowly get up. I respect her decision and leave the room, closing the door behind me. I continue to walk to Nathan's room. I might as well make it look nice since my parents are coming over in a few hours. Thank God they are coming this evening instead of afternoon. Marina needs to compose herself after the news from the doctors.

I open the door to the master bedroom I used to share with my now ex-husband. Technically, we haven't divorced yet, but our marriage has been over a long time.

I see the bed isn't exactly made and there are a few articles of clothing scattered on the floor. I have always picked up after Nathan, I don't think I've seen him done anything to keep the room tidy.

I grab a smaller suitcase. My plan is to fill it up with enough stuff that I love but not enough to notice a difference. My parents occasionally look through my room for some reason. (Probably to see if Nathan and I are having any problems.)

Looking over my bigger selection of clothes, I pick six band t-shirts that still fit me from high school and college. And my favourite pairs of ripped jeans. Mother always hated them, though. She said I looked like a hooligan. That was her favourite word to describe me as. She was right to think I would take punk as a compliment.

I zip up the bag and place it at the end of the bed. Taking out my phone, I decide to scroll through my social media. It has been a few days since I have.

I pass the adds and post that don't really intrigue me. Then a post from Nathan's Instagram pops up. He posted a photo of us in some sort of lovey dovey type moment. I don't mind him posting those types of pics. I'll ask him to stop after the divorce. Then the caption catches my eye.

This is probably my favourite picture of us together. Sad to see her go, but I'll love her forever.

And I'm tagged.

I internally freak out. I know my parent follow both of us. Goddammit Nathan. Why? So I quickly check to see when he posted the pic.

1 day ago

No! My parent have surely seen it by now. They would have called me about it. They always love to invade my privacy. They think that since they are my parents, that I don't need privacy from them. It's honestly fucked up.

I decide to call mother for some reason. Dialing her number, she picked up pretty quick.

"Hey honey! How are you?" Ok. She doesn't sound like she's seen the post yet. But she is an amazing actress, so I can't tell.

"Hey mother! I was calling to ask when you are planning on getting in? I was hoping to have dinner ready when you arrive." The lie rolls off my tongue natually.

"Uh.. I don't think you'll need to have dinner ready when we arrive." I must have a scared-to-death-confused look on my face.

"Um, why's that?" I hear a small sigh from my father. It sounded like it was laced with a different emotion. But I can't tell through the phone.

"Well..." she says like something is about to happen. Then something unexpected does. The doorbell rings.

First, Marina is pregnant, now Nathan posts a breakup pic on Instagram, then my parents show up early.

Fuck Karma, cause it's happening now.

1.5k!!! Thank you so much!

I have been waiting for you guys to find out since the very beginning. I hate how hard this AU Marina's life is going, but it wouldn't be a good story without some drama, right?

Thank you so much for reading!! I can't believe how there is only one chapter left. But I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it.

Love You!

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