chapter 1- Go Away..

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Stella's POV:

I walked out of work exhausted and ready to get distracted, all those crazy teenage girls all obssessed with finding the right prom dress, home coming dress, birthday dress. It never ends...ever. I shurgged on my coat walking down the street, taking in the hustle and bustle of New York. I loved it here. I was almost home when I heard several hundred girls chanting off key.

" One Direction.. One Direction"

I rolled my eyes. One Direction is the newest hottest Briitsh/ Irish band, to come from X-Factor UK. They are all gorgeous, but beauty is only skin deep. I have never met them and I doubt I ever will.

" This way Zayn" came an accent. I looked up and saw 5 boys fast approaching me. I tried to move out of the way, but it was no use. I felt a body hit mine and I felt myself falling. I closed my eyes, and braced myself for the cold hard ground, but I never touched it. I opened my eyes to see, Zayn Malik holding me up. His arms dangerously low on my waist.

" I'm sorry love I didn't see you there"

" I noticed, but its okay I dont see much either..." I stepped away from him and tried to move past him. He held onto me still his eyes, looking me over. I suddenly self concious under is analyzing stare. God when did  it get so hot? 

" Let me buy you a drink?"

" Not interested"

" Can I at least know your name?"

" Stella, am I free to go now? or do you wnat to continue this little interogation"

" This one is fiesty Zayn" came an irish accent. I smirked slightly, me fiesty? They didnt know the half of it, growing up in Brooklyn you ahd to stand up for your own and that means not taking crap from anyone.

I didn't wait for a response, I just left a stunned Zayn Malik standing there. I secretly was slightly flattered that he had taken and interest in me, but I'm sure he is just like the rest. When they are famous, they are nine out of ten times arrogant.

I walked and walked trying to clear my head. Who does that boy think he is... sure he is hot and famous, but what would  anyone hot and famous want with me.. I live in the slums of New York, I dont have care. Just an attitude and maybe some decent hair.

I walked down toward the bus stop and wiated for it. I was suprised he didnt come after me. Did I want him to? No I dont care about him. He is just another teenage popstar too full of himself to care about anyone else. Damn when I did get so mean. I got on the bus and took a seat. I started to relax my musclers aching slightly from work. I heard the bus stop and I opened my eyes. We were at my stop. I stood up and walked off the bus.

" Stella" a voice chirped. I looked up to see Caprice running toward me with a bag. She was wearing boyfriend jeans and a tight white tank. Her hair in a fishtail. She was beautiful and so sweet. 

" Hey Caprice.." I was just on my home to see if you wnated to go out tonight to the club. I need to dance and maybe drink alittle. I have been living with Caprice for almost 2 years now and its an understatement to say she is my best friend in the enitre world.

" I'd love to and I bought us the perfect dresses for it" she squealed. I groaned, Caprice had very wealthy parents and a great poaying job. I envied her at time.

" Dont worry I got it from that boutique on the corner where its all vintage and cheap" she said with a smile. Oh she knows me so werll. I link my arms with her and we walk toward our lofty apartment.

                                                       *2 Hours Later*

I had just finished curling my hair when Caprice walked in with her makeup bag and the bag conatining our dresses. 

Getting Even With Zayn Malik ( A One Direction/ Zayn Malik Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum