Chapter 6: The Art of Faking it

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I took a shower, my mind completely numb from the previous night's events. I have never been one of those girls that spends the night at a boy's house when I barely know him ...We only had one date .
I am officially a slut now . Great. I let the warm water cascade down my body for about five uninterrupted minutes . So the question is how do I move
forward and if at all possible not kiss him .
"Stella it's getting late" Caprice hollered snapping me from my warmth induced coma. I quickly finished my shower , and stepped out the cold air assaulting my skin. I wrap a towel around my body and ran to the room.
"It's always so cold when I get out of the shower" I moaned as Caprice slipped into a pair of shorts. She just chuckles and does the buttons.
"How do I look?" She asks spinning around. She truthfully looked amazing. The length of the shorts emphasizing her legs and the white crop top made her already tan skin more noticeable .
"Perfect really, but why the sudden self consciousness ?" She stood there silently for several moments a sheepish grin on her face. The lightbulb in my head went off.
"You like him don't you ! You freaking like Harry Styles.." I say incredulously. "What no I don't ...okay maybe just alittle." She sighs. I give her a small smile , "You know you really shouldn't try and lie you are terrible at it " .
"Oh hush" she scolds, smoothing down her hair . "Caprice seriously you look amazing". I say chuckling . I slip into a oversized shirt and some shorts before combing my hair and slipping
on my toms. I went over to the mirror and scrunched my face. I have so many bags . "Can I borrow some concealer Cap?" She nodded and threw me the tube . I caught and started dabbing underneath my eyes. Much better.
"Thanks doll" I say handing it back to her and grabbing my mascara . I quickly put some on and shove it into my shoulder bag . "Ready?" I ask Caprice grabs her keys and tote and walks out . I follow behind her locking the door when we step out .
I quickly text Zayn letting him know we are on our way . "So I was thinking we could casually spill blue soda on his white shirt or dye his hair pink" Caprice chatted throwing her hair over her shoulder . I blinked trying to picture Zayn with pink hair and was overcome with a fit of laughter . "Pink hair definitely pink hair" I say looping my arm through hers.
"Where are we meeting them?" Caprice asked as we scampered across the crosswalk ."the park, the one by east Ave and first" she nodded checking the roads for cars before pulling us over to the other side. The park was covered with small blooming flowers . I sigh and smile softly at the simple beauty of the world. I spot a mop of curls and tiffs of blonde hair rolling around on the grass.
"I think I found your boyfriend Cap" I whisper. "Daniel and I just broke up last night and you already calling a new guy my boyfriend . You make me sound so easy"
"What can I say we move on quick" I saying throwing her a wink, a loud giggle escaping my mouth. She glared at me and gave me a hard shove. I stumbled and hit something hard and immediately felt a pair of arms slip around my waist.
"Woah there tiger . No need to throw yourself on me love" I shot Caprice a glare and mumbled a sorry. He let out a hearty chuckle his grip on my waist not letting up . "I didn't say I didn't like it" he whispered . He words caresses a part of my soul I didn't know existed sending shivers down my spine.
"Oi you two get a room ya bloody horn dogs" Niall yelled as he passed the ball to Louis . Louis trapped it with his chest and started juggling it .
"Oh shut it twinkle toes" Zayn said finally letting me go. I sighed thankful for the space so I could get my hormones under control . I turned around and saw a cheeky haired boy with dimples staring longingly at caprice who was laughing at something Niall was saying.
I walk over to him, " you know if you didn't come on to her every two minutes and maybe just talked to her. Got to know the weird person she is. Then maybe she might see what a true catch you are ." I say nudging him in the side. He stares at me a soft expression on his face . A side of Harry that I am not familiar with.
"I get very tongue tied around her and I barely even know her" he ranted raking a hand through his unruly curls like a girl. I smiled softly a feeling of sympathy over taking me. If anyone understood that kind of feeling it was me. The idea of being so taken with someone after such a short amount of time seemed about as realistic as a donkey flying until of course it happens to you.
"Go" I say giving him a light push," once you get to know her , your feelings will only intensify". He gulped but nodded. His collected and cheeky demeanor soon returned as he waltzed over to her . I smiled slightly.
"I never pegged you for a matchmaker" Zayn said coming up to side. "What can I say call me Cupid" I say with a loud chuckle. Zayn proceeded to laugh harder at how funny I thought that was. I frowned slightly .. That was funny right .. I felt my cheeks flush, why do I continually embarrass myself in front of him.
"What do you say we go to the market, get some good and we will cook you guys one of our favorite meals from overseas " Zayn said smiling hopefully. I looked over at caprice a grin forming on my face. She smirked and nodded. "Sounds good " I agreed. "Great" Zayn sang , he grasped my hand and started pulling me along. I guess we are going now .
We walked for several blocks passing nice fans and crazy fans. "Your fans really love you " I say smiling at each one of them . The nod happily, " we owe everything to our h, but they are the sole reason we made it " Liam said softly . I smiled warmly at him . They were all so appreciative and humble .
Caprice wrapped an arm around Harry's waist and snuggled into him slightly . He started blushing, a huge grin resting on his face as he wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer if that was even possible . "Well what do you know they do fancy each other " Zayn whispered his breath tickling my ear.
I suppressed a sigh as I fancied the interaction all too much . We arrived at a series of shops filled with people shouting and kids playing by the street as their parents kept a distant yet watchful eye on them. It was a dream , like a scene out of a film.
"Right so shall we divide and conquer. Harry and Caprice get the pastries, Louis, Niall and I will get all materials for the pasta and Zayn you and Stella can get the salad materials " liam ordered . We all nodded going on our respectable ways.

"So we need what all do we need things like lettuce,tomatoes,cucumbers, cheese, onion?" Stella mumbles off, Zayn nods eagerly and drags her over to a vegetable stand. They gather the stuff mindlessly chattering. He is rubbing soft slow circles on my hand and I'm trying not to freak out .
"Should we find the others?" I say curiously. He looks at me softly before smirking "no they can wait awhile" he says before capturing my mouth with his. I let out an involuntary gasp at his advances and felt my knees start to give out. I would have fell had his arms not been securely around my waist.

Minutes passed, but it seemed like hours as their lips danced and breath mingled. I had only kissed him a few times, but each time it still made me breathless .

"Stella... Zayn" voices called. They reluctantly pulled away, any composure  all gone . They made there way towards and Caprice looked at me a sly smile gracing her lips. She mouthed two words "hair dye" my smile widened and a gleam set into my eyes.
"Get ready Zayn Malik"I whispered before grasping his hand and falling in step with everyone else.

Sorry sorry

I know this took forever. My life is shambles . I hope it's okay . Sorry for any grammar or spelling, this is unedited

Getting Even With Zayn Malik ( A One Direction/ Zayn Malik Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum