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Shawn's POV

" uhmm .. I'm sorry , who are you ? "
she said

WHAT ? how can she not know us ! all she did was faint ... and maybe hit her head a little bit . I can't believe she doesn't know who we are !
I looked over to Cameron and Nash !
Nash had tears in his eyes and Cameron was shocked ! I on the other hand , was completely freaking out !

I looked up to see Charlie ! She was trying to hold in a laugh ! what ??

" Hahah .. you guys actually think I forgot you ? " she said laughing

" Charlie ..? " Nash said sniffling

" hey trash nash " she said smiling


" .. im sorry cam " she said

Cameron said it was fine and hugged her .

I was just standing there in shock . I couldn't move . Almost like I was paralyzed . No movement , my body kept telling me to go and hug her or do something . But I wasnt responding!

" Shawn , when can I leave , I don't like this hospital gown " she said innocently

I snap out of it and tell her I'll find a doctor and ask . Cameron and Nash are going to the vending machines . Cameron told me when I was leaving !

" He said you could - " I said walking back into the room only too see Charlie standing there in her White lace bra and underwear !!!!

She turned around , shocked , and tried to cover herself up with the hospital sheets on her bed ! She fumbles with them but can't seem to grab ahold of the sheets . I walk over to her while taking off my jacket and wrapping it around her.

" thank you " she mumbles

" anytime babe " I reply

what ? why did I just call her babe ? what the hell is wrong with me !
I'm such a dumbass !

What I didn't know was that she was closer to me than before . Because when I looked up , she was inches away from me .
She got on her tip toes and lightly kissed me on my cheek .

At first I was shocked but then I looked at her and grabbed her face and kissed her ! It wasn't a lustful kiss , neither was it a demanded kiss . It was passionate . Sparks flew everywhere . Lighting up my mind like the Fourth of July ! I wanted this to last forever .

All too soon we are interrupted by nash .

" GET SOME SHAWNY " he yells

We instantly pull apart and she blushes . She walks up to cameron and puts her hand in Ralph Lauren pants pocket . I heard the jingle of .. keys ? Yeah she grabbed his keys .

Cameron was defiantly surprised . . She pulls her hand out of his pocket and walks right out the hospital door . Before she exits she looks at me and smirks .

" holy shit " Cameron mutters

" you lucky shit " Nash says

Shocked ! Shocked was what I was . What we all were . She was no longer the shy girl that I new 24 hours ago . Whatver happened to her ! I liked it ! A lot . And according to the tent it Cameron's pants .. he did too !

" Guys let's go to the car " I said

" Well how are we going to do that . She took the keys right out if Cameron's pants pocket " Nash said

" Nash your a idiot , where do you think she's going with Cameron's CAR KEYS " I yelled .

" idk to the ca- ohhh " Nash said

" dumb ass " Cameron mutters as we walk out !

We walk to the elevator door and press 1 . We rode down and walked out to the parking garage . When we got the car I saw ......


Another cliffyyy !!!!

Sorry guys but 10+ votes = UPDATE

I love you all !

until next time

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