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shawn POV

" Charlie what are you talking about "I asked .. very confused confused

She paused for a minute to think about what to say

" I think it's time I tell you about my past shawn ... " she said

" ok " I replied

" Well It all started when I was 5 ..both my parents died in a car crash , so I moved in with my dads parents .. when I started middle school I started getting b-bullied and beat e-everyday . when I would go home my grandfather would be drunk and .. h-he would h-h-hit me m-more .. I then started to .. uhmm .. c-c-cutt m-myself .. " She was hysterically crying by now . She regained her self and began again .

" My grandmother found out and she said she didn't want a s-suicidal f-freak living in the house and I was only here so they would get the m-money ..
she sent me to an orphanage and I would only get beat there everyday too .. I was only 8 shawn ... I started getting depressed and anxiety .. started having pannic attacks , until you came .. " she cried out

I didn't know I was crying until I felt water hit my arm . I embraced her into a hug.

" OMG Charlie .. I don't know what to say " I said . I was so shocked . how could somebody do this to a caring , kind , sweet , sensitive girl like Charlie .

" shawn you can't t-tell anybody else .. " she stuttered out

I knew I was going to have to tell guys .

" Charlie I have too " I said

Everything that happened next was a blur . One minute she was crying and the next she was passed out on my bed .

" CAMERON " I screamed

I heard muffled footsteps coming up the stairs and a few seconds later Cameron , Nash , Aaron and the rest of the guys came bursting though the doors .

" what happened " cameron asked

" she was telling me something and idk .. s-she passed out ! " I said flipping out

" what do we do " asked jack j

" We take her to the hospital you dubmass " said Aaron

I picked her up bridal style and ran to the car and put her in . Cameron and Nash came with .


When we arrived at the hospital I jumped out and picked Charlie up again . We ran though the doors and up to the front desk .

" we need help .. somebody help " I said

Nurses came and took her out of my arms and put her on a stretcher . One nursed asked what happened and I said she passed out .
We tried going back with her but they stopped us and told us to go wait in the waiting room .

" Dude what the hell happened " asked Cam

" yeah " said Nash

I knew I had to tell them . I couldn't keep this secret . Don't get me wrong , I can keep secrets but , this one , I can't .
I knew I had to make a decision . I mean for all we know she could be dying . So I made the decision on telling them .


" ohh... my.... gosh " said Nash
His eyes were watering and he was on the verge of crying .
Cameron on the other hand looked pissed .

" Who the fuck would do that to somebody as nice as her , I mean we have only known her for ... what ? .. a day ? And I feel like I've known her all my life , I can't believe somebody would do that , let alone her own family " he said

Cameron was know crying. I think we all were !

A few hours later a doctor came out with a clipboard saying Charlie name .

" yes " I said

" Ah yes , you must be her guardians , am I correct ? "

" Yes , I am her legal guardian " Said cameron

" Oh yes , Well Mr. Dallas , Charlie passed out from to much stress . She had a .. Well what we call a " stress attack " The doctor said .( I don't know if that's real or not lol )

" when will she be able to come home .. ? Nash asked

" Well , We didn't see anything irregular on her tests .. so today . But she will be out on medicine for stress and anxiety " he said

" okay " we all said in unison

" You all may go and see her now . A nurse will be in soon to discharge her , but boys , go easy on her " He replied

" What room ? " asked Shawn

" 4th floor , room 111 " he said

"okay thanks " we said

After he left we all ran to the elevator and pushed #4 .

" 107 ... 108 ... 109 ... 110 ... Ah ha 111
" I said repeating the rooms numbers .

When we all walked in , we all saw Charlie .

" CHARLIE " screamed Nash

" Uhmm .. I'm sorry , but who are you .. ? " she said




sorry guys I had to !

and anyways I know exactly where I want to take this story so I'm gonna have a little contest !!!
I need Girly friends for the boys ! 🙈

Aaron -

Cameron -

Nash -

Taylor -

and of course

Matthew -

Leave your names and tell me what you want them to look like and age !! by guys I love you all 💓

until next time

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