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Charlie's POV


I was walking down the hall to my room in my grandparents house . All of a sudden a pair of hands are on my mouth and I get turned around only to face my drunken grandfather

" you slut . you're worthless and nobody cares about you ! " he slurred

" STOP " I screamed

" don't yell at me you slut " he said while kicking me


I was being shook awake and as I opened my eyes I saw a very terrified shawn !
Cameron tried to come towards me but I flinched back into Shawn's chest.

I heard the door close and I looked up to see all the boys gone .
The silence was broken by shawn

" Charlie what's wrong ... you can trust me " he said

" no I can't ... " I said barely above a whisper .

" why not Charlie " shawn replied

" because .. you'll hurt me .. like he did .. " I choked out

" Charlie what are you talking about " he said .. a little confused

I knew I put myself In a bad situation saying that . I just dug my own hole and now I can't get out . I know I'll have to tell him .

" I think it's time I tell you about my past shawn ... " I said

" ok " he replied

here goes nothing ... I thought to myself !

" Well It all started when I was 5 ..both my parents died in a car crash , so I moved in with my dads parents .. when I started middle school I started getting b-bullied and beat e-everyday . when I would go home my grandfather would be drunk and .. h-he would h-h-hit me m-more .. I then started to .. uhmm .. c-c-cutt m-myself .. " I was hysterically crying by now .

" My grandmother found out and she said she didn't want a s-suicidal f-freak living in the house and I was only here so they would get the m-money ..
she sent me to an orphanage and I would only get beat there everyday too .. I was only 8 shawn ... I started getting depressed and anxiety .. started having pannic attacks , until you came .. " I cried out

" OMG Charlie .. I don't know what to say " shawn said with bloodshot eyes .

" shawn you can't t-tell anybody else .. " I stuttered out

" Charlie I have too " said shawn

I don't know what happened next because all I saw was black ..


hey guys . I know it's a crappy update .. but 15 votes !!

WOW guys thanks so much !
I love y'all so much !
until next time

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