Chapter 2: Rohypnol

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- 13 Years Ago -

A little girl sat at the foot of the ambulance, a medic tending to her wounds.

"Here to you live: The discovery of a human trafficking system. Horrid acts took place on this very spot. Girls ranging from 6 to 18 years old were forced to become sex slaves to men who had a fetish for young girls... wait what?"

The news reporter pressed her ear piece closer, listening tentatively before she gasped dramatically.

"We just received intel from the police that everyone has died. Brutally killed! Dave, zoom in on that." The camera pointed to multiple body bags being brought out of the building.

"The only survivor is a 7 year old girl which begs the question: Did she do all this? Was this an act of revenge? A girl, so twisted and pushed to her limit, she had to commit these gruesome acts to escape?"

The young girl flinched as a microphone was shoved into her face. News reporters shouted questions at her, the police barely able to hold them back. Cameras went off, blinding her.

Memories flashed before her eyes.

His wrinkly hands roamed her bare body, licking and sucking on her exposed neck. Her hands remained cuffed to the bedpost, a gag silencing her.

"You are so cute." He cooed. "Expensive, but worth it."

Her stage name left his lips, filled with lust and desire. "Reina ~"

She cried out as his fingers entered her.


Reina clenched onto the blanket, hiding her tainted body that had bruises everywhere. She shuddered, remembering the horrible feeling of hands touching her.

Then she remembered their blood on her hands. Mutilated and twisted bodies surrounding her like a sea of ​​death. The feeling of the blade she wielded was still fresh in her mind. Their screams and agony still echoed in her ears. And the worst part was, she enjoyed watching them in pain.

She felt no remorse as she ended their lives. And if she had the choice of doing it again, she would have done it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over--

"Hello there."

A man stood in front of her in a long black trench coat. His glasses revealed kind eyes. He smiled and kneeled to her height, gently taking her hand into his. He gave it a reassuring squeeze. Reina finally realized that tears had escaped her eyes.

"My name is Watari."

"Watari ..?" She murmured.

He nodded and spoke in a gentle voice, "You have been through so much, but you did what you had to survive. You are brave. You are special. I feel that you would fit right into my orphanage. Would you like to live with me and kids just like you? "

The next word that was said, changed her life forever.


- Present -

Reina sat at the edge of the couch, humming to herself. Lawliet's head rested on her lap as he read the files in his hand. Her fingers combed his messy dark hair, frowning slightly when it would not stay in place.

"How was France?" He glanced up at her.

Her lips quirked a smile. "Awe, you've kept up with me after all these years."

He averted his eyes back to the papers, mumbling. "Of course I would."

"It was boring without you."

L flipped to the next page. "You lived with Mr. Beaumort for a month, right?"

Reina hummed in response. "No need to be jealous."

He frowned. "I'm not jealous."

"The page is upside down." She observed in amusement.

L quickly flipped it right side up. "I meant to do that."

Knocks came from the door. Lawliet straightened, discarding the files on the coffee table, standing up.

"Your guests have arrived." Watari's voice came from behind the door. L answered, "Come in."

Five men entered. Reina's eyes followed their every movement. The men caught sight of her and blushed, looking away immediately. Her sinful body was barely covered by one of L's long sleeve shirts.

"Reina, you should go get dressed." Watari said in a disapproving tone.

"If they're planning on staying, they might as well get used to it." Reina smirked, her exotic eyes meeting theirs. "After all, my line of work requires it."

"Ryuzaki, I'm sorry but I came here to work on the Kira case. Not to fool around with a prostitute." One of the men stated harshly.

Reina glared. He flinched, feeling as if his very soul had been shaken. He gulped, watching her stand up, walking up to him with a predatory gaze.

"Reina..." Watari warned. L watched the scene unfold with hidden excitement.

She finally spoke. "Shuichi Aizawa, I presume." A shiver rolled down his spine, the way his name rolled like poison off her tongue giving him goosebumps. "You should really not flash your badge around, carelessly giving your name."

Her piercing eyes made the bones in his body shudder, watching and analyzing him in great detail, every secret that he kept locked away bubbling to the surface.

"Tall but slouched structure suggesting hours behind a desk. You have a wife and child. Mmh, interesting. Your ring hand twitched when I mentioned your wife. You've cheated on her once. Most likely with a stranger at a bar. Yes, you're an alcoholic. How do I know? You have a slight tremor on your left hand. You should really get that checked out. Scar hidden under your shirt judging by how you instinctively scratch it every time you're scared. Just like now. You're practically oozing with fear since I've revealed your darkest secret. Ah, but there's more."

She circled around him like a viper enthralling its prey.

"Scar, scratching it means it's a nervous habit which is usually tied to a traumatic experience. You were bullied in the middle.. No, elementary school. Most likely because of your ridiculous haircut. Also because of your speaking disability; a lisp, judging by the awkward angle of your jaw. The other kids would ridicule you. You were weak. You are still weak. Only weak and insecure men would cheat on their wives."

The whole room was silent. Aizawa's hands shook with fear. He fell to his knees, all these memories flashing before him. Tears leaked from his eyes.

"A prostitute would not have been able to do that." Reina ended, a slight sneer in her voice.

"Oi, Aizawa! Get ahold of yourself!" Chief Yagami ordered, helping him up.

"This is the woman I discussed in our meeting yesterday. By the way, I never sent her any of your information." L said, watching the men's eyes widen. "She can read body language as easily as we read books."

"Marry me." Matsuda blurted. "I mean .. I-I'm Touta Matsuda."

"I'm Kanzo Mogi." He was a tall, broad man with spiky black hair. His face was expressionless, almost like a robot.

"Hirokazu Ukita." He was the shortest of the group.

"Soichiro Yagami." The eldest of the men said, a fatherly glint in his dark eyes.

"Shuichi Aizawa." He had composed himself but would not make eye contact with her. She knew she feared her.

"Reina Yumiko." She nodded.

The air seemed to have become heavier as her lips tugged into a smirk.

"I look forward to working with all of you."

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Ro · hyp · nol
/ rōhipˌnôl, -ˌnōl /
A potent sedative drug of the benzodiazepine class. Commonly used to sedate rape victims.
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