Chapter 9: Anesthesia

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 "So I'm your girlfriend now, huh?" Reina walked into his room, hearing the door lock behind her.

"An excuse for us to work together without being bothered by my family." Light shrugged, his gaze briefly checking his desk which hid the Death Note.

Her fingers skimmed along the spines of the many books he owned before opening his closet, taking a peek inside.

"No skeletons in here." She observed playfully. "Maybe under the bed?"

He chuckled, hiding the uneasy feeling building in his stomach. Her walking around and inspecting her room made her nervous for what she might find.

Reina could see the cracks in his composure, just as she had planned.

When someone is hiding something, move around the room while talking about a different topic. They will move between you and what they are hiding, getting increasingly uncomfortable the closer you are to the hiding place.

She noticed how he stood between her and his worktable. She took steps towards it, watching her body tense. Bingo.

Reina took a seat on top of his desk, crossing her legs. "So, would you like to show me what you're hiding here?"

His eyes widened. "W-What?"

She giggled, hopping off before standing in front of him.

"Oh, Light." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stood atop of her tippy toes to make it seem as if she was going to kiss him. At the last second, she moved towards his ear, hissing lowly.

"Rule # 1: Never hide anything from me."

Pulling away, she glanced at the clock on the wall, and decided it was time to leave.

"I need to go. Meeting up with a friend." A friend who was handcuffed to her bed and desperately needed her to get home soon.

"I expect the truth when I return."

With that, she left.

Light bit the inside of his cheek harshly, feeling furious and defeated at how she had almost revealed everything in front of the surveillance cameras that still watched them like a hawk.

She's showing how much power she has over me.

A sinister laugh echoed in his mind.

I'm impressed. However, two can play this game.

His head hung low, hiding the slight curl of his lips.

Finally, something interesting.

~ * ~

As soon as she entered the hotel room, someone pinned her to the door.

"I forgot how easy it is for you to get out of handcuffs."

Lawliet's hands gripped her wrists. Short, harsh breaths was the only thing heard. His body felt heavy but most of the drug's effects had worn off.

"You've been gone for 3 hours." His voice still dripped with lust.

She feigned disappointment. "Only 3 hours? The duration of the pill should have lasted longer than tha--"

" R eina . "

She shivered at the way he said her name. Her cheeks flushed, realizing how close their lips were. The lights were off, obscuring her view of his eyes. She could imagine those dark orbs clouded with desire.


"Reina .. I'm sor .."

His grip loosened and his body suddenly collapsed.

"Lawliet!" She fell to her knees, catching him. Feeling his forehead, she gasped at the extreme heat emitting from his skin.

She quickly stood up and hit the room service button.

"Hello, this is the front desk. How may-"

"Call a cab and send a male worker now." Reina spoke urgently.

"Um may I ask wh-"

"Do it or else I'll have your ass fired."

".. Yes, Miss. Right away. Assistance is on the way."

"Va te faire foutre." [Fuck you]

"What does tha-"

After ending the call, she went back to Lawliet and her medical training kicked in.

Unconscious ... Has a very weak pulse rate and rapid shallow breathing. Heat exhaustion treatment needed.

Quickly wetting a towel in cold water, she placed it over his forehead and began cold compression. Soon enough, a knock was heard from the door. She answered quickly.

Reina handed him ¥ 10,000. "Carry him to the cab waiting outside."

The male employee nodded and they briskly headed towards the lobby then out into the cold night.

"The nearest hospital and fast." Reina ordered the cab driver.

The vehicle took off.

Lawliet's head rested on her lap. Guilt burdened her chest, seeing his face contorted in pain. Her fingers brushed through his hair soothingly. He winced, beads of sweat forming.

A tear left her cheek as she gave him a tender kiss. "I'm sorry. Everything is going to be ok."

His eyes opened but his throat felt parched. Unable to speak, he held her hand. She smiled, kissing his knuckles.

L parted his lips, struggling to communicate. His gaze flickered between the cab driver and her, desperately trying to warn her.

"What's wrong?" Reina worried, looking around. She noticed the dense trees passing through the window, frowning.

"Um .. This is not the way to the hospital."

She looked towards the driver. Matte-white skin .. Dark chestnut eyes and hair .. Rounded occiput face .. Leptorrhine nose ..

The cab driver was an Italian.

He spoke. "We finally meet again, sporca puttana ~" [ dirty whore ]

Reina froze in fear. The doors locked. Sleeping gas suddenly filled the vehicle. The driver slipped on a mask.

Anxiety built up in her chest. Lawliet gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She looked at him, everything blurred.

He mouthed. I'll protect you. His eyes closed and his hand slipped from her grip.

Reina allowed herself to be engulfed in darkness.

"Sweet dreams and welcome back to hell."


A / N: Hey guys ~ It's been a while. Sorry, I've been going through some tough times but I'll bounce back soon enough. 

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It would mean alot to know people are still interested in if i continue writing or not haha ​​Plus, I'm curious on what yall are like: D 

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