Chapter 37

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Asteria Glass

He'd done it. He'd succeeded. The man I'd never seen fully had gotten what he wanted. I was pregnant and I knew now that he had controlled me. Just like he had when I was burning down villages.

But not every time. I could barely discern my own thoughts from his.

I was noticeably round. I was hungry most of the time but I never accepted the worms. They either force fed me or he controlled me. It was no use fighting anymore.

I felt disgusted with myself for loving the child within me. It was vile, but it wasn't the child's fault.

A mother's love is a tricky thing.

"Please," I begged him. "Don't make me do it again."

I didn't force you the first time. Don't even pretend you didn't enjoy setting things on fire.

Tears made their silent way down my cheeks. "I didn't want to."

"But you did enjoy it," he prompted. I didn't answer. "You'll go out again and this time, you'll finish killing the townspeople."

"No!" I sobbed.


I don't want to!

Yes, you do. You want to burn everything in your path. You want people to suffer.


Asteria, it's in your blood! Why do you think we can converse in our minds?


Himura succeeded just as I have and created your predecessor but Kitsune blood is even more ancient than Phoenix. Which means it's still coursing through your veins.

They would have told me...

No, they wouldn't have. Why do you think Aurum took so much interest in raising you? She was in love with Himura and it was like raising his child! She couldn't pass that up.

I don't have any Kitsune abilities.

You do. Aurum's just been keeping them hidden from you.

Deep down, I knew it was true. There'd always been rumors of Aurum loving Himura but I'd never had any reason to see the crime in that. But now I knew that she had been hiding something from me.

It seemed to take less and less to make me angry these days. My tears started to sizzle on my skin once more and I screamed my rage.

That's it, he whispered. Go on...

The door opened to let me through and I stepped out into a long hallway. I rushed through door after door until finally I was outside. The tall trees around me looked ominous in the dark night. My senses heightened to unbearable limits.

I could hear the excited babble of the townspeople, miles away, some campers closer but still not within earshot. I heard the rustling of leaves around the village as Shireen and a blonde boy waited in the dark, surrounded by large, bulging Rakshasa, tiger like men.

I took off into the night, feeling my head ache with the combined voices of the villagers. I needed to stop their babble. End their lives.

Flames sprang up all around me and I heard the last screams of each person I killed. The smoke was like my favorite perfume as I drank in the sweet smell of burning flesh... and relished in it. I knew someone would turn up soon so I made my work quick, as much as I wanted to draw it out.

I made sure each and every building caught fire and as I soared away through the air, I caught sight of the eyes of Shireen, shining with delight.

Someone called something from below. "Asteria!" they screamed.



No one.

I wasn't Asteria anymore. I was Savannah, daughter of Lief Himura. And I relished in the killing.

No, you're not.

I somersaulted, confused. Who was I?

Come back inside, a voice coaxed inside my head. Our daughter is ready.

Our daughter...

I was back in my stone prison, spasms overtaking me. "Please, just one thing," I cried. I knew I would die as soon as she was brought into the world.

"What?" the man said with disgust.

"Name her Nadia."


I thought back to a time I'd spent with Arielle. She was quite a bit younger. It was a happier time.

"What would you name her?" I asked sadly, pointing at the new baby that had been delivered to the orphanage, Goldbay. Just another abandoned baby. Just another lonely soul.

I really couldn't relate to the children here. I hadn't been abandoned like them. I was just destined to be alone and devoid of family because of being the phoenix. That is, until I found my own family in the Kitsune and the other orphans.

"Nadia," Arielle whispered. 


"Because it means hope," Arielle's eyes leaked pent up tears. "Hope that someday, we'll all have something to look forward to. That someday no one will have to come here- to an orphanage. That someday our world will just simply be happy."

I heard myself echoing Arielle's words. "Because it means hope," I whispered. "Hope that someday you'll realize, you don't need power, or revenge, or anything else to be happy. All you need is a family."

"Why do you think I'm doing this, Asteria?"


This is actually an amazing feeling! I'm so excited I decided I'd update another chapter of the book... and it just so happens to be one of my favorite chapters so... I guess that worked out.

But seriously, thank you all for reading and giving this book a chance. I know it's not the most amazingly written book and I have a lot to edit and revise but I'm really happy you're reading it. I couldn't have gotten a thousand reads without all of you.

Question of the Chapter: Who's your favorite superhero?

My Answer: My favorite superhero would have to beeeeeeeeee probably anyone in the MCU. Or my Grandma. Or my mom... cats? Damnit, I just gave away another family secret... they're NOT superheroes... at all... and I'm not secretly the super villain they're fighting...

Vote, Comment, and Share!!! I reverse hate you all!!!

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