chapter six

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This man is psychotic. Im-a-bit-of-a-neat-freak-my ass. You sir, have OCD and something else. I am not striping in front of him. He's probably around fourty years old! He kidnapped me, for crying out loud! Earl repeats himself and cocks an eyebrow. I glance between him and the stair case. He's old. Would he really be able to catch me if I booked it? We sit in silence for a bit before a small click echoes off the cement room. Just as I look to see what it was, I get power blasted with freezing-cold water. "shit!...gah!...what" the shock makes it impossible for me to get a sentence out. I immediatly start to cower in the corner, making myself as small as possible as I try to retain any body heat left. He stops spraying me for a second before grabbing something else. I want to run, but I can't. I just can't. I sit there, shivering on the floor in a ball. Completely helpless, and I hate it. Before I know it, he is throwing different bottles at me. "-black is shampoo, grey is conditioner, and-white is body wash." Earl pops a squat, watching me intensely. My body refuses to move. I know that movemnet will give me some heat, but I can't bring myself to move. I glance up every now and again, but he never moves. My teeth stop chattering after about two minutes, and I grab the body wash. "Stop! Hair-first." I shoot him a questioning look. " it." I reach for the shampoo, the darkest bottle, and glance up. When nothing happens, I continue. I finish my hair and reach for the body wash, reaching under my shirt to wash my body. "-Clothes off. I don't even bother pleading with him. I hesitantly pull my shirt up over my head and continue to wash my torso. He grabs the hose, and I prepare myself for the to drop on temperature that never comes. The water had warmed up. My pants are clinging to me, making me more uncomfortable than being half naked in front of this stranger, so I take them off and let the water rinse me. It just keeps getting warme until it burns my skin. Earl keeps the hose on me everywhere I go until my skin turns a bright red and i can't take it anymore. I dash for the stairs, slipping every few steps. I count ten steps and see the door was left open. Too easy. I notice that he isn't following. Shouldn't he be trying to catch the kid who could get him sent to prison? I don't ponder on it too long. I run through the kitchen, and turn into the livongroom before running into a wall. "Going somewhere?" A deep voice grumbled.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

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