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Harry woke up early, yawning and stretching. He had slept really badly.

He turned towards the others, taking immediate notice of the slight pain in his head.

After they had left the party, Hermione had offered to let everyone sleep over at her house. They had agreed, wanting to be together when Draco woke.

Speaking of which...

Harry walked over to the boy, passed out on the couch. He lightly shook his shoulder. Draco didn't move. Harry sighed, and turned toward Hermione and Ron.

The pair were curled up together on Hermione's bed. Hermione's arm was underneath her cheek, and Ron's was around Hermione's waist. They were both softly smiling, an expression that wasn't often on either face.

Harry smiled slightly, and checked his phone.

As he scrolled down Instagram, Draco murmured something.

Instantly, Harry lowered his phone and was at Draco's side.

"Dray?" he asked quietly.

A slow smile spread across Draco's face, but he didn't open his eyes. "Harry."

"Yeah, it's me. How ya feeling?"

"Like shit." Draco's smile was still present.

"Understandable. You went through a lot."

"And sadly I remember it all."

"Sorry," Harry murmured. "I know that doesn't cover it, but-"

He was cut off by Draco holding a hand over his mouth, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Don't apologize. You saved me."


Harry and Draco were sitting quietly, looking out the window. The world was peaceful.


"What the fu-" Draco turned around so fast he fell off his chair. Harry squeaked and jumped about four feet in the air.

Draco jumped into standing position, brushing himself off. "What the fuck, Mione?"

She shrugged. "I wanted to make you aware that I was awake."

"And you couldn't have said something like 'Hey guys, I'm awake'?" Draco cried.

She shrugged again. Ron groaned from underneath his pillow, where his face was currently residing.

Hermione grinned and tore off his pillow. Ron grumbled something before sitting up. Draco smirked, and decided not to point out the hickey on this neck

"How ya feelin, Dray?" Hermione said as she hopped out of bed.

"Nice and alert, thanks," he replied dryly. She rolled her eyes, and he sighed.

"Kinda shitty, but could be worse."

"Sounds like something breakfast can fix!" Hermione cheered. "Get dressed, fuckers!"

"We don't have clothes. This is your house," Harry pointed out.

"You act like you don't have dresses in your closet, Potter. At least grab a jacket."

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