New School, New Life

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Draco was shaking as he walked to his first class of the day.

New school, new life.

Draco didn't want a new life. He liked his old life, his old friends, Pansy and Blaise and Vincent and Greg.

But he didn't really have a choice. Mother said he had to.

He stepped into his first class, heart pounding.

The teacher wasn't there yet, and he scanned the class for seats.

"Hey pretty-boy!" came a jeering shout. "Sit over here, why don't ya?"

Draco turned, terrified, toward the voice.

The boy looked his age, with jet-black hair with blue tips. He had a stud under his eyebrow, right above his stunning green eyes. He also had a nose ring, five ear piercings, a lip piercing, and a fiery tattoo crawling up his neck. Another tattoo was a heart with a ribbon across it on his shoulder, but the skin in the middle of where the ribbon was looked like a tattoo had been removed. Probably someone's name.

He wore ripped black skinny jeans, and a black tshirt with some band's name written on it. His torn up black Converse rested on his desk as he crossed his legs and grinned at Draco.

The girl on the other side of him looked incredibly bored. She too had a lip and nose piercing, but no ear piercings or tattoos. She had gorgeous brown eyes. Her hair was straightened, and dyed black with purple highlights. She had dark purple lipstick and eyeliner. Her black tank top simply said "Bite Me." She wore black skinny jeans and black Jordans. Her attitude suggested she hated everything, except maybe the black haired boy and the other guy, who had his arm around her.

This guy's hair was a fiery red, swooping across his face and covering his left blue eye. His shirt was grey, and had a girl wearing only a bikini on it, and jeans. He wore a leather jacket over his shirt. He had white converse, contrasting the black of the other two's shoes, but made up for it with a grand total of seventeen visible piercings and tattoos all over his neck.

Nervously, Draco walked over an sat in front of the black haired boy. He turned when the boy spoke.

"I'm Harry Potter," he said casually. "This is Ron Weasley and Hermione soon-to-be Weasley."

Ron gave him a predatory grin. Hermione didn't even look up from her phone. She just muttered "sup."

"I'm Draco Malfoy," Draco replied nervously.

Ron snorted. Hermione didn't look up. Harry leaned forward, grinning.

"That's hot."

"A-are you-" Draco was too embarrassed to finish.

"Gay?" Harry raised a pierced eyebrow. When Draco nodded, he grinned, not upset at all.

"Pansexual. Ron's straight, and Hermione's bi, and sometimes they have a casual threesome with-"

"Harry!" Hermione smacked his arm, showing the first ounce of emotion since Draco had arrived. "I knew we shouldn't have told you!"

"What's pansexual?" Draco asked innocently. "It's not like... attracted to pans, is it?"

Hermione stared at him with wide eyes, and Ron winced. Harry turned to him, a dead serious look in his eyes.

"If I'm asked that question one more time, I'll kill someone," he replied in a monotone voice.

Draco's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," he said quickly.

Harry's expression softened slightly at Draco's panicked tone.

"S'alright," he replied, calmly rolling his eyes and grinning. "Pansexual means I can be sexually attracted to anyone, regardless of any gender."

"Oh." Draco thought about that, and smiled. "That's cool."

Harry grinned back. "It is, isn't it?"

Hermione snorted. "It also means he's sexually attracted to inanimate objects, such as pans."

"Hermione I swear to god!" Harry shrieked, smacking her arm repeatedly while Hermione laughed. "She's lying, I swear!"

Draco grinned at the encounter. Despite first impressions, these three seemed like really fun people.

An extremely short, ugly woman marched into the room.

"Settle down, class!" She barked.

She turned her ugly, sickly sweet smile to Draco.

"We have a new student! Honey, would you mind introducing yourself?"

Draco tensed. He hated talking in front of large groups of people.

Harry saw his reaction, and slung an arm around the boy's shoulders.

"Well, he might not mind, but I do. I don't want this hot piece of ass leaving me for even two seconds," he says casually.

No one in the room seemed surprised by his reaction, as though he did this often.

"His name is Draco Malfoy, he's the hottest guy in this school besides me, sorry Ron you're third now-" the redhead shrugged. "-and he says you're an ugly toad, Umbridge."

Draco's eyes widen, and he turns to tell her that's not true, he didn't say that, but she seems to already know. She glares at Harry.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy, detention. You too, Ms. Granger, stop laughing. Mr. Weasley, that sort of obscene motion is what has gotten you held back for two years. Detention for all four of you."

"What!?" Draco shouted. "I didn't do anything!"

She glares at him. "Detention, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco opened his mouth to protest, but Harry smoothly cut in.

"Actually, it's Mr. Soon-to-be Potter."

"Mr. Potter, please be quiet."

Draco gave up and joined Harry in fucking with his teacher.

He put his feet on the desk, grinning. "Which one?"

Umbridge gaped at him. Hermione cracked up.

"Mr. Malfoy, please don't let Potter here corrupt you."

"I believe Harry made my last name very clear," Draco replied, grinning.

Umbridge turned purple.

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