Everyday life

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Yui p.o.v

Well things definitely changed a lot since both my younger sister Yuki and I were little. Kaname saved us from a rogue vampire but I can see in his eyes that he's hiding something and I never really trusted him. Yuki's taking awhile to see that Kaname is more then what he seems but I guess I'm just as bad . I'm crushing on my best friend Zero and he doesn't even know it but that's okay I'm not easily broken for a one sided love. Yuki and Kaname show their affects for each other with little touches but I'm not jealous of them in fact I'm happy . I may not trust Kaname but I know he means no harm to her and even Zero doesn't agree with me I'm okay with that. I have a secret of my own for some reason I'm a half vampire half human I'm not entirely sure how that's possible but that's probably why I'm stronger then my sister. My first instinct is to protect her however I can and even Zero doesn't love me back I will be okay feelings ain't my strong suit.

Zero p.o.v

Four years ago I was taken in by Kaien Cross or head master as I call him even though he demands we call him father. Yui is my best Friend ironically we didn't get along at first but after a few months we realized how much we had in common and truth be told I have a little crush on her. I care for Yuki but Yui is a different story she's special to me and I know I show more of emotions for Yuki however  I'm scared to ruin our friendship. Yui and I share an opinion in not trusting Kaname but it's to an extent because I have a feeling there's some deeper to all of this then . I want to protect them both even if Yui can protect herself I just don't want to lose what we have this bond.

Zero , Yuki and Yui meet up for Night duty patrol  which is what they did every night keeping things in order. Zero would steal a few glances at Yui who would just smile at him which would confused him until he walked straight into a bush. Yuki was already far ahead so Yui stayed helping Zero out of the bushes only to have him land on top of her and she shoved him off with a giggle. Zero and Yui were only comfortable being goofy with each other when they were alone. Yui stoic would melt in Zero's presence and Zero would actually smile a real smile but did still pick on each other sometimes.

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