Twin problems (part 1)

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Yui p.o.v

The past day has been very frustrating I can feel Yuki's headaches and i feel her fears. To have someone who is normal cheerful to have such a sad look on her face it makes me wish I could take her pain away. I know things are going to get more complicated because once Yuki is awakened by Kaname then Zero will know the truth about The Kurans. I know Zero is going feel frustrated but I hope he understands why everything has come to this. I haven't really had alone time with him lately because I'm afraid for Yuki's sake but she needs to go through this pain as much I hate it. As sisters and as family I can't protect her from her own mind but I will protect her from anyone who causes her harm.

Zero's p.o.v

The past few days I haven't been able to see Yui and lately I feel like she is hiding something from me but she's afraid to tell me. Yuki had been have really bad headaches and I can see the pain in both of their faces. I know this all has something to do with Kaname but Yui why won't you tell me what's going on. I know Yui can protect herself but lately I feel so saddened but not being able to see Yui's smile anymore as of late. Kaname just what did you do to Yui and why is both of the girls acting so strange.

Kaname's p.o.v

The other day Yui actually kissed me of her own free will and I can't help but feel strange about it. It wasn't something she normal did with just anyone and her words still haunt me . Always wanting to sacrifice her self for Yuki's sake I know it's her promise and choice I just don't understand her. She knows who I really but once everything is revealed out in the open what will happen to her and Zero. I know Zero's been giving me knowing looks like he think both the girls troubled faces are my doing and I would be lying saying it's not entirely my fault. Yui I hope you know what you're doing and Yuki I hope you understand someday who everything is like this.

They all had there thoughts running through their heads that day and Yuki collapsed in class which made Yui stay by her side in the infirmary. Zero didn't like seeing both of them in pain and frustration but he could exactly do anything about it. Zero went to the infirmary to check on both of them and both of them were asleep. Yui was sitting bent over her sister who was asleep on the bed and Zero brushed Yui's hair back to kiss his girlfriend's forehead before walking away. Ichiru tried to give Yuki something but Aido stopped him which he told Kaname about.

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