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He opened his eyes, hearing the morning chirp of the early birds. He shivered slightly, looking around his room.
This might be the last time he ever laid his golden eyes upon it..
Daggor stood up, dressing quickly in his usual rough clothes, taking a coat he had been making. The boy had finished it a few nights ago, just in time.
Gentle snoring came from grandmother's room, and he glanced back, his heart heavy. He prayed to the stars that she'd still be here.
Daggor grabbed the bulging sack, wondering if he should leave half of it for Grandmother.
With careful hands, he silently untied the sack, looking at the contents. There was a small stone for sharpening, some leaves for sickness and wounds, much cheese, much milk, a generous amount of bread, and a few silver daggers.
He definitely wouldn't need all this! She had gone out of her way just to get this stuff for him... it's only fair he should leave some.
Plus, he tried to convince himself, it was far too heavy.
With a gentle movement, a wheel of cheese was left on the wooden table. Daggor also got rid of some milk, knowing that was Grandmother's favorite consumable product.
He looked at the bread, and left a single loaf. He felt an urge to keep it, possibly for trading.
Despite being easy to make, bread was a hot commodity in the trades.
Daggor stepped out, feeling the cold breeze brush against his pale face, ruffling his hair.
He hoisted the loaded bag across his shoulder, it feeling exceptionally light.
Oh well. He could always find berries and hunt on his way, he had studied.
The boy set out, his worn shoes crunching against the small rocks that lined his path.


As the boy trudged on, he was aware it was growing lighter.
That meant the bandits would be out soon.
The stories of attacks, raids, deaths, had been reported.
Always in the early morning.
Daggor wondered if he should hide, which would be a smart option.
Or he could go to the town he saw in the distance. That would probably be the smarter choice.
He started running to the smokiness, coming from countless chimneys.
But Daggor clutched his dagger tighter, just in case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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