Meeting Kendall: Take 1

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So like every good thing, there are going to be outtakes. And for me, I have quite the few outtakes for this story. This outtake for say is about, when Shiro and Keith meet Kendall. At first, I didn't know how they were going to meet, but then I had an idea. Note that I had four ways this could have gone, and I went with the best one. So now let's get on with the outtake

Shiro was struggling in the guards'  grasp, trying to get free. But try as he might, the guards' grasp did not loosen.

It seamed that Shiro's struggling didn't even faze the guards holding him.

So Shiro stopped struggling, and let the guards take him to where they were going.

'Better save up my energy so I can get Keith and me out of here.' Shiro thought. He then looked over to the guard carrying Keith, since he was still out cold.

'He's hurt, and it's all my fault.' Shiro thought when he saw Keith. 'I should have been quicker, then none of this would have happened.'

Shiro kept blaming himself for Keith getting hurt, that he didn't realize that the guards had stopped walking.

It wasn't until after he was thrown onto the ground of a cell. But by the time he realized, it was to late. The cell doors were closed and locked from the outside. Trapping them in the cell with no way out.

He banged his prosthetic arm against the door trying to brake it. But the door didn't even have a dent in it after Shiro had hit it many times.

He finally gave up on the door, and instead went to check on Keith. Keith, who has not moved from his spot the galra guards had put him in.

Shiro sat down next to Keith, then pulled Keith onto his lap. He took a long look at Keith. He noticed how sick Keith looks.

Keith is very pale, more pale than he normally is, and he is very skinny. Not a good sign at all. Shiro can only just hope that Keith can last until the team finds them.

But with every tick that passes by, Shiro doesn't (didn't?) know if Keith will make it. 'No...Don't think like that' Shiro tells himself. 'Keith will make it. He's a tough boy, he will pull through this.'

'That's right, he will pull through this.'

Shiro jump up at that. He activated his arm and stood protectively in front of Keith.

"Who's there?" Shiro yelled. He waited a bit before he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. He looked in that direction which so happen to be a dark corner.

But whoever was in the corner didn't come out, so he asked, "Whoever you are, come out to where I can see you."

And to his surprise, the thing crawled out from the corner. "Please...Don' me!" It said.

Shiro noticed that the voice sounded like a girl, and he was proven right when a girl about the same age as Keith came into view.

Ok, I'm gonna stop here. This is as far as I could come, and then I didn't know how to finish it. My brain literally just stopped working at that part. So I then went with the next idea, but that didn't work either. But luck for me, my last idea worked, and it is the one I went with.

But I still hope you all liked this little outtake. It was fun to write, but that didn't last long. Also, I originally had a different name for Kendall, but it would have gotten confusing in a later chapter. And I also didn't like how the name was, when it was yelled. So I changed her name to Kendall. But don't worry, in a upcoming outtake, we will see what Kendall's original name was.

Well that's all for this outtake, see you all in the next outtake or chapter of the story. Bye

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