Meeting Kendall: Take 2

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Like I said before, I had four ways that Kendall was introduced into the story. This take is a little different from the others, because it's just Keith who meets Kendall. So here's take two of meeting Kendall

'Right...then a left, and another left..' Keith thought as he ran down the maze of halls on a galra battle ship. He was on a mission with the rest of team Voltron.

They had gotten word that, this ship was the one that had the stolen Blue Lion on it. How did the Blue Lion get stolen? Well...

Lance being Lance, had been showing the lion off to a girl he was trying to impress. He showed her how to fly it, and even let her try it.

You would have thought that he had learn from last time not to do that. But he did anyway, and got the Blue Lion stolen from right under him again.

The girl turned out to be a spy of the galra. And she had tricked all of them. She had claimed to have escaped the galra and needed a place to stay.

Lance immediately wanted to help her out. Hunk though about it, then he agreed that they should help her. Pidge went along with them. And Keith...he didn't trust her, but Shiro convinced him to trust her.

Now here they are, fighting a battle cruiser and trying to locate the Blue Lion. All because they had trusted the girl.

"Pidge...?" Keith asked through his headset. "I'm almost at the Blue Lion's coordinates. I'll be there in about 45 ticks, so be read to pick us up."

"Copy that Keith." Pidge answered back. "I am in position, and waiting for your cue to start."

Satisfied with that, Keith check on everyone else. "Shiro..?" He asked

"I'm here Keith." Shiro answers.

"Good." Keith said. "I'm almost to the Blue Lion, and still no signs of galra guards or sentries."

"I don't like that." Shiro said. "There should be at least a few of them walking around." Shiro then took a deep breath. "Keith...this is a bad sign." Keith could here the concern in Shiro's voice.

"I don't know if this a good sign or a bad one?" Keith said back.

"Keith listen to me." Shiro said. "Something bad is happening or  going to happen."

"Shiro... Maybe nothing will go wrong this time." Keith said as he tried to convince Shiro and more importantly, himself.

"Keith... Take it from someone that learned this the hard way." Shiro then took a shaky beneath. "Silence always means that something bad is about to happen."

"Ok Shiro." Keith said. "I trust you, so I promise that I will watch my back."

"Thanks Keith." Was the last thing Keith heard.

~Time skip (because I am board)~

Keith was just a few steps away from the Blue Lion when, all of a sudden, he heard voices.

He couldn't make them out, so he moved closer to them.

"LET GO OFF ME!" A girl voice said. And Keith stopped in his tracks, when he heard that voice. He knew that voice. It was a voice that he never thought he would hear again.

He moved closer to the place where the voice came from. Which just happen to be a room of some sorts. But Keith didn't pay attention to the room, he had all his attention on a girl that was forced to her knees.

She was struggling to get out of her restraints, but they did not budge. That just seam to make the girl upset. "Please...can't you just let me go!" She begged to someone else in the room.

"You know I can't do that." Someone else in the room said.

"And why's that?" The girl question. "You did it all those years back, so why not now?"

"That was different, and you know it Kate." The other person who sounds like a man said.

"How is it different from now?" The girl now known as Kate said.

"It just is. Ok!" The man said.

"Lotor..I.." Kate stared, but was cut off by an explosion.

"What was that?" The man now known as Lotor asked.

"Voltron is attacking sir." One of the guards near Kate said.

"Take her somewhere safe, I will deal with Voltron." Lotor said.

And with that, the guards started to take Kate away. But Kate wasn't going to go quietly.


And that was the last thing Keith heard before, Kate couldn't be seen anymore.

Keith felt bad for both the girl and the man. But he then remembered that Lotor was the name of the person that Voltron was fighting. And now he was just a few steps away from Keith.

He could take Lotor out right now, and end the fight for once and for all. He took out his bayard and activated it, and started to make his way to Lotor.

"I'm sorry Kate." Lotor said. This caused Keith to pause what he was doing. He was so confused to why Lotor had said that. So he listen some more.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen. But it just did." Lotor sob. "I didn't mean for my father to follow me and find your home. I did everything I could to stop him, but it was in vane."

Keith saw how much this was hurting Lotor, but he still didn't understand why thought.

"When I heard that he was going to destroy your home, I did the only thing possible, I took you. I tried to save your parents too, but it was to late, your planet was gone." By now, Lotor was on his knees crying. "Please Kate....I'm....I'm so sorry sister."

Yep, I think that's a good place to stop.

So I hope you all liked this outtake. I really did like to write this, but I couldn't tie it into my story. But I still hope that it was good.

Also, I did have one more outtake of Kendall, it was only an idea. I literally couldn't come up with how it went down. So no one will see it, but I will tell you all about.

Ok, so Kendall is part of the blade of Marmora. And she got word that the red and black paladins were captured, so her mission was to find and free them. But, that was all I could come up with. So yeah, that sadly will never be seen.

Ok, that is all folks. See you all in the next outtake. Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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