Authors Note

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Hey Guys, long time no see.

I have a really terrible habit of starting stories, writing two or three mediocre chapters and then abandoning my stories - then deciding I hated them all, which resulted in me unpublishing everything I'd ever written ... yikes. I also am about to start my A Level exams, which will basically decide my future so ... no biggie.

That is the reason that whilst I am writing this AN on the 9th of April 2018 I am not going to publish anything (including this) till my exams are over (Late June) (To be honest I probably shouldn't even be writing this at all, I'm just procrastinating my revision for my very important exams, that determine if I get to go to my top choice university or not)

Currently I'm planning on releasing the first five chapters the day that I finish my exams, and then posting at least one chapter a week after that (hopefully I'll be able to release chapters a bit more regularly than that) till the story is finished. Lets hope that I can stick to my schedule, for once, I tend to be pretty bad at following schedules lol.

Till then

Emily :)

EDIT (19/06/2018) I've decided to upload the Authors Note now to give people a chance to find it, and then upload the first 5 chapters on Friday, the day of my last exam. It's quite a slow fic at the beginning so I thought I'd give a bit of an overview of the story line (So far at least.)

I know that these sort of fanfics are seen literally all the time but there are things I see in pretty much all of them that I don't like. Here are some things that you may want to know about this particular fanfic, especially because some of the things I mention below immediately put me off of a fanfic with this premise.

* Annabeth won't die at the very start of the story (Percy can meet the Avengers without her death) (and I haven't broken up percabeth either)

* I wont make any of the demigods ridiculously powerful - they're already quite powerful

* I will stick to canon 99% of the time (especially Solangelo because the world needs more of that) I will only change canon a little to make the two worlds work together (eg. when the characters exist might be shifted slightly). However I am not as up to date on Marvel as I would like to be, so it's likely that I'll make some mistakes with that - so give me a little leeway on that. You can always leave (as spoiler free as you can) comments asking me to update specific marvel/pjo bits to be canon but some of them won't work with the story line I have going currently (who knows if I will change it to work in the future I can be relatively unpredictable and spontaneous with stuff like that)

* Percy doesn't need to be seen as a threat and captured and tortured by shield/the Avengers. (again he is capable of meeting the Avengers in a slightly more peaceful setting, emphasis on slightly)

*This fic is very slow going. The first actual physical interaction between any of the demigods + any of the avengers comes in at about chapter 9, so if you're looking for something that immediately jumps into battle/ action this is not the fic for you. However I've done my best to make this well written and somewhat planned out so hopefully the quality of this fanfic is relatively high, which you sometimes don't find with fanfictions

[Also here's the cursory "I don't own any of the characters, they belong to Stan Lee (Marvel) and Rick Riordan (PJO)" HOWEVER I do own the plot and the actual words so please don't steal any of this, because I have worked really hard on it. I'm doing one of these disclaimers now, but it counts for the whole book, I wont be repeating this every chapter]  

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