Resolutions, resolutions

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"Oh, Leo! Why hello there, buddy." Lynn Sr. said in a desperate manner.

"Dad, that milk is strictly reserved for our sisters. Under no circumstances will I hesitate to fire. Well, not fire, in a sense, but you get the point. Drop it!" Leo warned his father.

When Leo's dad tried to run, Leo quickly pulled the trigger. Two pellets flew and hit his dad in the head. His dad dropped the closed milk carton, and ran into his room, screaming.

"Here you go." Leo said, as he gave Lynn the carton.

"No thanks, that has to have been the best thing today!" Lynn said, laughing. Leo looked at Lana, and suddenly started laughing.

Two hours later, when the argument was settled, the sisters found a flash drive next to Leni's laptop. Out of curiosity, they inserted it into the computer. "(Y/T)? What's this?" Lori asked, as she pressed play.

*Insert diss track*

"Why is there random sound? Why does Luna suddenly sound so good?" Leni asked, while Lori and the other sisters were furious. They marched out of the room, and they found Lincoln, Luna and Leo inside Lincoln's room. "Open up, Luna. Open up, Lincoln and Leo." Luan said.

"Step aside, I got this." Lynn said, as she had a baseball bat in hand. Everyone else went into Lola and Lanas' room.

"BANG!" Lynn busted down the door, and stood there evilly.

"Ima kill you!" Lynn cried, raising her bat overhead. Luna wasn't in sight.

"Lynn, drop your weapon!" Luna's voice was heard behind her. She was standing in a ready position, while holding Leo's air pistol.

"So that's where the pistol went!" Leo exclaimed.

"Oh, so that's how you're gonna do it, eh?" Lynn asked in a mocking and tone. She swung at Luna, but suddenly felt three blunt knives get driven into her back.

"They what ya think, dude." Luna showed Lynn a mirror. She had small, metallic pellets driven into her skin. "Wasp-waisted Diablo pellets, bro. Could hurt if I yank them out. Want me to help you?" Luna asked Lynn with the widest grin ever.

She gripped onto a pellet and just yanked it out. Lynn cried the entire time, while Lincoln and Leo were laughing at her predicament.

"Lynn Loud NEVER loses!" Lynn roared as the door next to her opened, and her sisters gave her a folding chair. Lynn almost struck Leo with her foldable chair, but having better reflexes, Leo dodged it, and went behind her.

"Oof!" Went Lynn with her tears in her eye, as Leo pulled back a wire he discreetly slapped on Lynn's neck. Lynn threw the chair at Lincoln, but his brother, being trained by his friend in New Jersey, managed to shoot the hinges with his Glock, making the chair fall apart.

"It's time to break out the big guns." Lynn warned, as she turned around. "Oh. What big guns? Class four or Class five? How about both?" Leo said. "New Jersey, dude." Luna giggled.

"Wait, isn't it convenient that YOU don't have any licenses," Lynn asked Leo in a last-ditch attempt.

"I have valid licenses for all classes of weapons, along with many associates from the US Army in Seattle, New Jersey, Florida, Texas and Alaska. Also have pals from the world." Leo said. Lynn stared at him in disbelief. "Whatever, dude. Don't keep us hanging."  Luna said.

"Whatever" Leo groaned. Suddenly a black object came out of Leo's gun add-on and hit Lynn, knocking her out. "2kg weights to the head does it. She'll be fine in like, one hour." Leo commented.

"So much for being the Strong Suit." Lincoln said, as Leo was flipping a 12kg dumbbell which was lying on his bed.

"Whatever gives, I'm always ready. I'll actually be 5% fitter than this pathetic punk here at her current age." Leo responded. They bound Lynn up and dragged her over to where the other 8 sisters were. Luna stayed behind them.

"BANG...BANG...BANG" went the door to Lori and Leni's room. Outside, the three were using a door buster to try and break their way in. Suddenly, the door broke into pieces, as the three ran in with an unconscious Lynn.

"Alright now, who's idea was this?" Lincoln demanded an answer, holding the bound Lynn.

Everyone pointed at each other.

"Seriously, dudes. Stop trying to kill us for standing up for each other. You dudettes are these two bros' sisters, and now you're plotting to send Lynn out to kill them for standing up for themselves. Way to go, dudes. Real smooth." Luna sarcastically said.

"Honestly, at least take note that one of them is armed, you know?" Leo said in a deadpan voice, his hand on his left holster.

"So? It's not like we can't take a beating," Luan said.

"Oh, ya think so? Then why is it that YOU presume that WE find your lame puns funny? Seriously, your jokes are lamer than ever. Jimmy Fallon will shake his head and put you in the dirt! Well your gigs aren't funny, the crowd's LAUGHING at YOU, not your jokes! Basically, your braces and hair makes you a LAUGHING STOCK! LAUGHING. STOCK. GET THAT IN!" Lincoln yelled.

"Calm down, Lincoln, yelling won't get you anywhere." Leo tried comforting him. "Listen, all of you, I challenge you all. To a game of Roulette!" He announced.

"Pftt. Please, we're too young to gamble." Lola deadpanned.

"FINGER Roulette!" Leo exclaimed with extra-bright red eyes. Everyone gasped, but Lola, like always, asked him, "What are the stakes, gunman?" She asked.

"If I win, Me, Lincoln and Luna choose how this madhouse is run. If you win, you can continue your ways and we will shut up." Leo said.

"Deal!" Lola extended her hand, and they shook to seal the deal. Leo gestured to go to the Garage, and everyone followed suit.

"These," Leo pointed to the bandages on the table, "are specifically made bandages that Lisa invented to instantly heal any wound, deep, festering, whatever."

"Whatever, let's get started." Lola grumbled as she picked up the knife. They counted down and started the match.

Seven sisters and one brother, watching intently, as the two competitors quickened their stabbing. They were concentrated at the knife, and they were fast.

The two seemed like they could explode any moment now. Tension was high in the air, as Leo seemed to be creating holes in the table. Lola, on the other hand, was jamming the thing between her fingers. Suddenly, Lola could not take the pressure, and let herself slip. She went on for a few more seconds, before suddenly stabbing her own hand.

"OWOWOWOWOWOWWOOW!" Howled Lola, as blood was seeping out of her gloves. She yanked the knife and her glove out and quickly wrapped the bandage around her hand.

"Much better." She said to herself. She looked at Leo, who was smirking at her, looking like he was going to mock her with his one visible eye, the other covered in white hair.

"ALRIGHT! So you won!" Lola admitted, before screaming illiterate words.

"Remember the deal? Now we get to run this place." Lincoln said to his sisters.

Fearing the worst, the sisters were begging for leniency.

"Hey, don't worry. From now onwards, everyone in this family gets to choose and speak freely. We will take each other's choices into consideration, we will share things, not bully each other, be kind, and abolish 'Girl Supremacy' in this house! Everyone shall be equal!" Leo exclaimed in excitement to the new changes. When he was smiling at himself, the National Anthem of the Soviet Union began playing in the background.

"Soiuz nerushimyj respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki Velikaia Rus.
Da zdravstvuet sozdannyj volej narodov
Edinyj, moguchij Sovetskij Soiuz!" Went the phone.

"Whoops, gotta switch that off." Lincoln chuckled, as he looked over to his sisters.

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