Lunch Time Again!

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        Dean walked into the Cafeteria with the Doctor. They went through the lunch line, Dean got a burger and the Doctor got some pasta. They sat at the same table as yesterday with Sam and John, who were talking about there mythology class, they both had their textbooks out on the tables. Dean tried to ignore the two until they asked for his opinion, "Hey Dean do you think the Pagan gods are cooler or the angels and god are cooler" Sam asked him "Dude the pagan gods, I mean they all look so weird and god just kind of sits in heaven and commands his angels to do things for him, he is lazy, and the pagan gods are just cool" Dean said Sam smirked at his friend. Sam and John got up to get there lunch. They returned and Dean and the Doctor were talking about what they did that night. Sam and John sat back down and ate there lunch. They were all talking and eating when Hannah, Amy, and Rory sat down. "I hope you don't mind us eating with you today" Hannah said "Have you heard from Gabriel yet today?" Sam asked "What happened to Gabriel" The Doctor asked "Oh it was his father again" Hannah said "I don't know why he refuses to tell anyone though, it's starting to get really bad" Hannah added, her phone buzzed, 'Hey sweet, hows lunch?' Gabriel sent 'Not as good with out you' Hannah sent back "Hannah?" The Doctor said "Huh, what?" Hannah said looking up from her phone. "I asked what he did this time" The Doctor said rolling his eyes "Oh well he started out with the normal, hitting, but then he grabbed him and carved 'yes sir' into his lower left arm" Hannah told him, no one had noticed John had stopped eating and was tentatively listening. "Have any of you seen Cas today?" Hannah asked them as her phone buzzed "I saw him enter a storage room, I think it is called 221B" Dean said taking a bit of his burger. "I'm going to go find him, let him know what happened last night" Hannah said getting up and walking away, throwing her lunch away as she passed a trashcan.

        Cas walked into the storage room 221B and saw Sherlock sitting at the table in there. He sat down in the corner and pulled out his homework, which he had done in five minutes. After that he silently watched Sherlock from the corner. After being in there for about ten minutes there was a knock on the door and someone calling. "Hey, Cas you in here, Dean said he saw you come in here" Hannah called through the door. Cas went over and opened it, ready to ask Hannah a lot of questions. "Cas he is fine" Hannah said already knowing what he was going to ask. "What happened, he left to bring you home and never returned" Cas asked "We didn't go back to my house after your father carved 'yes sir' into Gabriel's arm, I tried to get him to let my uncle but he insisted on not going, so I brought him so Sam and Deans, they stitched his arm up and he spent the night there" Hannah said "I told you he wasn't with her" Sherlock called "Who are you?" Hannah asked Sherlock "I'm Sherlock Holmes, I'm in your Forensics class" Sherlock said " Oh yeah you" Hannah said, then she turned back to Cas. "Would you like for me to tell him you said hi?" Hannah asked Cas, he nodded and Hannah pulled out her phone and texted Gabriel 'Cas says hi' Then the bell rang and Hannah and Cas left Sherlock to do his experiments.

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