Hannah, Gabriel, John, Sam, Dean, and The Doctor all met Amy, Rory, Cas, and Sherlock back in 221B. "What did you find?" John asked Sherlock "Well there was a Hand print on her upper arm so someone clearly grabbed her, that would seem, from a normal human, that this was a case suicide due to an abusive relation ship, but like you said, she liked her family, there was no make up, not even any rushed, so she clearly wasn't trying to hid anything, but her clothes were definitely rushed, they didn't match and were very messy and lopsided in some places, not due to the fall" Sherlock said "So my conclusion is someone forced her to come to the school and kill herself, probably threatening the safety of her family" Sherlock told the group, which was pretty much correct.
*What really happened to Mrs. Sampson*
Mrs. Sampson lay in bed when her phone went off. It wasn't a call so she figured one of her students need last minute help. She grabbed her phone and looked at the text. 'I have people in positions to kill all of your family if you don't come to the school, or if you call the cops' the message read, from an un-known number. She jumped up quickly and threw on the first shirt and skirt she could grab. She didn't bother with makeup. She ran to the door, grabbing her bag on the way. Her husband grabbed her arm, a little harder than her intended. "Where you going, school doesn't start for another hour" Mr. Sampson said letting go of her arm. "I have a sudden called meeting that I need to go to" She told him. She gave him a kiss and left, driving quickly to the school.
She got another text. 'Come to the roof' I read. She went up to the roof and found three students standing there. Two of them had dark hair, the third blond. All three of them were wearing suits. She chuckled "Now, we called you here for a reason, and if you don't do what we say, your family will be shot, all of them at the same time" The middle one said "Look I don't know what you boys want but this is out of hand" Mrs. Sampson told them and went to walk away when felt something on top of her. It knocked her to the ground and held a paw on top of her, but there was nothing there. "Now about our terms, you are going to jump off this roof or your family will be shot" The same man said. "Okay, okay" She said. The dark haired in the black suit snapped his fingers and she could feel the weight relieve it's self from her chest. She got up and walked over to the side of the edge of the roof. She looked down to the ground, seven floors below her, and let her self fall. She died the minute she hit the ground.
*Back to the group in 221B*
Sherlock considered what he had just said and came to one decision. "I need to see her office and the roof" Sherlock said. Sherlock took Sam, Dean, John, The Doctor, and Amy, who knew where her room was, with him. They found her door un-locked and the lights on. They walked in and Sherlock looked around. There was no sign of anyone being in the room since the night before, except for the three notes on the back of the door. The first one read 'IOU' the second read 'Do you hear the drumming Doctor' the third read 'Hello Boys'. "Crowley" Dean said "The Master" The Doctor said "And Moriarty" Sherlock said