Your depression had finally gotten to You from your families struggles so you created a near death experience for yourself but to your luck someone just had to save you and it happened to be your mother's boyfriend and now you're living with him an...
He finally spoken... And you instantly regretted it but you chose to keep your confidence and continue. "I said Excuse me but do you mind telling me who you are and what your doing my room" you said slightly annoyed but you were curious.
He just let out a sigh an annoyed and delusional sigh. "I don't have to introduce myself to you girl" he stated coldly not even glancing at you a single time. Not even a mere second he just kept his eyes glued on his phone.
"Umm.. Technically you do because first off your in my room second off your just lingering in here like a bazaar weirdo"
you said stated while you were getting up off of the hospital bed going to fetch your clothes that you assume Mr. Park had left for you. And you were quite surprised that he had good style..
meanwhile you were looking at your clothes that mere stranger had a shocked look on his face. He was now getting annoyed, not only does he have to share his house with you but you had just called him a bazaar weirdo .
His face grew red hearing those two words come out of your mouth and not only did they come out of your mouth but they we're directed to himself.
"Did you just--" he stood up stunned as he was about to start yelling before you cut him off knowing what he was gonna say.. To be honest it was pretty obvious
"Just call you a bazaar weirdo yes but should I have no I should have called you a fucking stalker"
you said as you turned around with the clothing hanging on your forearm and you began to walk towards the bathroom. Trying to hurry and get out of this place you absolutely hated hospital's
He yelled with the tea and his phone clenched in his hands tightly until you cut him off for the second time and called him a fucking stalker and this made him hate you even more. He was raging with fire and desire to literally strangle you.
" My name is Y/N and honey please stop yelling so loudly I just got up and my head is killing m--" He's then cut you off for the first time
You then cut him off and you felt heart broken you were forcing yourself not to cry. your tears were trying to get the best of you and spill, instead you kept them back although they were visible in your eyes you still kept your guard up and you kept spoke once more...
" I-i don't care how you feel nor how you react.. and I asked you nicely to stop yelling I don't want to go through this so please shut the Fuck up. "
you said in a soft voice walking into the bathroom leaving the shaken angry person in the other room. And once the door had finally closed it you swiftly slid down it sitting on the floor. You slowly slid your knees up against your chest and you held them there... Pressed tightly up to you and silently cried.
You were tired of the tears. The pain, The stress, the deviation.. The words... You hated it all. And at that moment that's when you snapped. You were no longer the you that you were years before... you were now the you that you tried to prevent form stepping forward... But if felt good being that you you liked fact you Loved it...
You suddenly got up off of the floor and you grabbed all of your things as you put them on the bathroom counter and you got in the shower. Once you had stepped in you had let the hot water run all over your body then you smirked... This was going to be fun
................Jimin's pov.................
This bitch who the hell do she think she is huh!??! Who does she think I am, I'll break her I fucking hate her she can just fucking croak and die for all I care
No she can't die yet she has to suffer first she is gonna regret calling me that. And this is going to be fun now that she shares a house with me .. She is gonna wish she kept slicing by the time in fine with her ..fucking pig
Jimin's mind was going crazy on ways he could torcher you..And when he saw your tears he got even more excited, he was about to make you cry him a river hell Maybe even an ocean and his his hell starts now..but little did he know you've changed.
He then walked out finding a bathroom he had drink the tea too fast realising that it was not a way to calm himself down.
..............End of Jimin's pov................
Finally you were done with your shower and you had dried of thoroughly and you had began to get dressed. When you were done you had looked like this.
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You had let out your last sigh twisting and turning looking in the tall and skinny mirror fiddling at your new outfit, thinking Mr. Park had gotten them for you because you had never had clothes like this.... Never.
Sorry for the late update I was being lazy and honestly I had forgotten but I decided to force myself to write more and quite frankly I was excited writing this hehehe Y/N..Y/N..Y/N You are most definitely in for a treat..
But until next time Lonnie bunnies🐰🐇💙 I will see you later and do I plan on updating Mr. Jeon yes.. Yes I do. But quickly before I publish I just wanted to say if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or interest feel free to message me or leave a comment here on wattpad or you can simply just ask me on my IG which is #taeamikookie# just in case you want to ask on a more private state even though wattpad messages are private.. But who cares right?? Not me!! Byeeeee 🐰🐇💙😇