Chapter 1

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Staring out the window I watched as some town kids play soccer. I would play with them but they would either tell her to buzz off or start picking on me.

"Bernice get down here now!" Bonnie called

She was meant to be my mother, but my real one abandoned me in an ally when I was one and never knew my father or at least that's what people say when I ask.

She has one daughter named Addison who is just as cruel, but not as abusive to me like get ruthless mother. Honestly I don't know why she hits me, I stopped causing to much trouble.

"You ungrateful child I know you heard me calling you!" yelled Bonnie while busting in my room with a giant cooking spoon.

Heading toward me she whacked my arm with it making me flinch and pulled me downstairs into the kitchen. Cursing I scolded myself for not paying attention.

"Young lady!" she yelled bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Sorry" I insisted

"I know your sorry now take out the trash!" She told me glaring down at me with those cold dead eyes.

"But I did that this morning." I claimed

"Don't talk back to me!" she yelled hitting my arm again. She would hit my face but after doing it so many times she learned from the city that it was to noticeable.

"Yes ma'm"

"Well don't just stand there go take out the trash!"

Grabbing the trash I headed outside careful not to draw attention. After taking it to a bin I snuck back home only to get caught up by Addison.

"We'll if it isn't the loser of all Greece." she smirked

"Addison leave me alone." I insisted trying to get away, but she only blocked me.

"And what if I don't..?"

Knowing she'd answer for me I stood there silently. I would stand up to her but it just wasn't in my nature. Interrupting my thoughts she spoke.

"That's what I thought."

Pushing me down she walked of heading for her friends chuckling. Getting up I dusted of my chiton and headed for home.

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