Chapter 11

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I groaned, my head pounding as if a stampede had ran over it.Opening my eyes I knew I was not in the forest anymore.

Sitting up I observed my surroundings.I was in what seemed like a doctors office, but way fancier.
The room was made of white marble with gold linings.

Looking down I saw that I was in some kind of white tunic and my hair was tied back into a braid.Then suddenly the door opened and entering it was Apollo.

"Apollo?" I groaned

"Oh good your finally awake!"

"Where am I?"

"Olympus of course."

"How did I get here?!"

"We brought you here."


"Yhea Hermes, Athena and I brought you here."

Checking my conditions he began explaining about this prophecy that dealt with some chosen one.

"Wait" I commanded interrupting him


"What does this have to do with me?"

"Because your the one the prophecy speaks of, you are the chosen one."

I sat there stunned at what I just heard.Looking at him I saw that he was serious.

"How is that possible I'm just a mortal?"

"No Bernice your not your a demigod."

"I'm what?"

"A demigod, half mortal and half god."


"So that means one of your parents is a god and the other is a mortal."

"Well then which god?"

Before he could answer someone else came in.He had a blue and white toga, messy black hair, sea green eyes and a trident.

"I should leave you two alone." Apollo said leaving the room

The man studied me and looking into his eyes I had to say he looked familiar, but I don't know where from.

"You look so much like your mother." He murmured

"How do you know my mother?" I asked

Before he answered I already knew what he was going to say because I realized why he looked so familiar.He looked like me.

"I know her because I'm your father.

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