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Natasha's pov

everything felt cold. I stood up on shaky legs and wrapped a lush white towel around my body, my wet hair clung to my neck. I let out a breath when I climbed into my bed wearing my favourite pyjamas. Thoughts filled my brain preventing me from sleeping but my exhaustion won and I fell asleep.

The next time I opened my eyes the sun was out and shined into my room. The house was unusually quiet, meaning my dad wasn't home. I quietly sighed in relief. Today was Saturday and I really didn't want to do anything. My body ached a bit as I sat up and got out of bed. Grabbing my new phone I went down my creaky stairs to the kitchen.
The screen on my phone lit up and music played startling me as I buttered my toast. Steve.

"Hi Steve ""
I said quietly putting the call on speaker.

"Nat...I don't know how much longer I can do this."

"Steve you promised you wouldn't tell anyone"

"And look what happened to you and Clint."
That hurt
"I'm on the football team with 'em Nat, I can tell they haven't stopped worrying about you"

"Let them worry."
I said coldly

"You need to tell them"
Their it was. The words that always taunts me.

"I can't."

"I understand, I really do but this isn't right, what he's doing to you. Clint's already suspicious, he knows you lied to him."
Of course he does. Clint knows everything about me, well clearly not everything. I've known him since my freshman year and we started dating almost two months later.

"Steve it's to dangerous I'm not letting you guys get hurt because of me"
And then I hung up. Putting my head in my hands, the forgotten toast was left on the counter top. You need to tell someone. How much I desperately wanted too. Steve knew and that was already to many. But Steve was right. I needed to tell someone.
Right now it was worth it. Everything that my dad said that could come back and bite me in the ass, all his threats suddenly didn't matter because I was doing what I wanted.

Hey, gather the gang. I get your mad at me but this is important. I have something to tell everyone.
Time passed and still I had no reply and no idea if they would show up. I didn't really expect him to even read my text.
My head popped up when something pounded on my front door. My bare feet padded over their and I swung it open. A smile creeped onto my face. Clint was standing at my door, the rest of the gang , and Steve , were all here.

"I got your text"
Clint said waving his phone. The boys filled in and took seats on the carpet in my room. I let out a breath. Steve's blue eyes stared into mine and he gave me a slight nod, knowing what I was about to do.
And I did it. Everything was out in the open. The abuse, the threats, the unexplained injuries. I said it all. Tears were rolling down my cheeks by the time I had finished. The boys stared at me with blank expressions. I didn't dare look at them anymore.

"Tasha we had no idea"
Wade said speaking up.

"It's okay. I don't openly advise it"
I smirked, but no one else found it funny.

"Why didn't you ever call the police? "
Peter asked from beside me

"I was to scared too."
I whispered
Suddenly arms were around me. I snuggled deeper into their chest.

"Tasha I'm so sorry"
Clint finally spoke separating us.
I nodded accepting his apology. Although I still hadn't forgiven him exactly after what happened at the hospital.
He looked at the boys and they seemed to get the message. They left my room giving us space.

"I don't expect you to forgive me."
He started off with
"I was mad, jealous of Steve and angry you lied to me. But I get it now."
It was silent for a while

"Did Steve already know?"

I said quietly
He nodded, the tears threatening to spill.

"I can see how much you care about each other, I'm sorry you didn't think you could trust me with this. Your my best friend Natasha, I want to to be happy and if that means being with Steve .... I'll stand by you."
I looked at him. Small streaks of tears were on his face, but he smiled anyway. For me.
I lunged at him wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me tighter, pushing me away slightly he kissed the corner of my mouth.

"I love you Tasha"
I sadly smiled not finding the courage to say it back. We wiped away our tears and walked downstairs.

"Everything alright?"
Loki asked eating my cold toast.
Clint looked to me and smiled.

We talked about it after. The guys suggested therapy, Bucky particularly suggested and I quote " throw his ass in a cell where it belongs". I would do something to stop it eventually but for know having people know was enough. The guys were hesitant on my decision to not get my dad arrested. I didn't blame them. But I still couldn't stand them getting hurt because of me. Who knows what my dad would do, even from jail he could probably cause some damage. After convincing them that I would do something soon they agreed.

The boys had left now and it was just Steve and I.

"Thank you"
I said

"For what?"

"Not telling anyone, being their for me and oh yeah saving my life."
He chuckled, my heart fluttered.

"I would do it again."
He said putting a hand on my shoulder.
I smiled up at him. We were only inches apart. My breathing started to pick up as both his hands now rested gently in my hips. He moved his face closer towards mine until our lips just lightly brushed against each other's. Then I felt his soft lips finally against mine. My arms snakes around his neck playing with his hair. He pulled me tighter to him. The kiss was slow and gentle. I didn't want to stop but I pulled away to breath again. I looked up slowly. His face was still mere inches from mine, his smile was wide and genuine. My lips formed a smile of their own and then I kissed him again.
This time it was passionate and rough. He ran his hands along my back, his warm lips left mine and I felt them travel down my jaw, to my neck until they connected back with my lips again.
Out of breath we panted still holding each other on the couch. My head rested against his chest and his breathing gently rocked me to sleep.
Right now I wasn't thinking about my dad, I wasn't that weak and scared Natalia. No. Right now I was simply Natasha.

Hey everyone!! I'm so sorry it's been like 7 months?? I feel so bad that it's taken me this long to finally publish another chapter but I had immense writers block for this story particularly and this months been hectic with exams.
Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter and thank you to those who still read this after how long I took to write it

Love you all
10starlight xoxo
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