Sailor on the Moon

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A/N: This is an alternate universe where Levana is Kai's aunt instead of Cinder's. Cinder is about to become queen on Luna and wants a day to herself at the market. Kai has been hiding on Luna for over a decade, waiting for his chance to take the Throne back from his aunt that tried to drown him when he was six. Hopefully this isn't too confusing!

A swirl of chocolate hair, a swish of a well worn plain dress, and a small wink at the closest Lunar Guard was all it look for Selene to escape from the Palace. That and weeks of planning, scheduling, and bribing all of her most trusted guards.

It had been nearly a year since Selene had escaped from the Palace, and the taste of recycled non-palace air was all it took to set her nerves on fire. She was ecstatic to have escaped her prison, if only for a hour or two. She was free, and she had the entire world to herself.

As Crown Princess of Luna, Selene was meant to rule. Well, she was supposed to once her mother died, which at the rate of her health wasn't too far away. Queen Channary Jannali Blackburn of Luna was on her way out; as the term seems to go, but Selene's fears were growing each passing day. She loved her mother, no matter what the people said about her.

The Palace held no solace for Selene, besides her two best friends; Jacin Clay and Winter Hayle. They were both children of guards, and the only people with whom Selene trusted with all of her fears and concerns. She had spent every passing moment with the two of them until recently when both had expressed their obvious undying love for each other. Not that Selene didn't love being a third wheel, but everything since then had been too sickening to handle.

Selene herself had yet to find love, and it wasn't for her mother's lack of trying. She had once been betrothed to the Prince of the Eastern Commonwealth, but the boy had disappeared years ago. Some claimed that he died; drowned by his crazy aunt in the ocean. Others claimed that he had been hidden on Luna, but no one knew the truth. That had been over a decade ago, and Channary had moved on to other proper suitors for Selene. None of them had been the right one.

A day outside of the Palace was the exact kind of thing that Selene needed. She was sixteen, afterall. She deserved a day to herself. A day where her mother didn't lecture her on possible suitors that Selene could never love. A day when she could scour the city of Artemisia without anyone tailing her.

No one actually knew what the Princess of Luna looked like. Well, none of the common folk. Selene hardly ever used a Glamour, much like her mother. She would never be as gorgeous as Winter, but was simply beautiful enough without the Glamour that it didn't matter. Luna prohibited video takings, which, in her opinion, was stupid. Today, however, it would do her a lot of good while surrounded by the averages citizens at their daily market.

Selene had created the perfect cover story for herself. Her name was Cinder Senali. The first name was a nickname; Winter had created it. When the two of them had been seven and eight, Winter's mother had taken them to see a fire. Winter had commented on how she had never noticed Selene's freckles before, and Selene had stared dumbfoundly back. Solstice had laughed, and informed the girls that they were only the ashes-or cinders- from the fire. She told her that the cinder's blended well with Selene's skin, and from then on, Winter called her Cinder. Her last name was simply a combination of her first and third name.

The day was beautiful. It was their first day with actual sunshine in weeks. The weather remained the same temperature and atmosphere as always, but something seemed so happy to Selene. She was free.

Market people bustled to and fro, juggling baskets and bags full of goods. Selene stared around at the area, trying to decide where to start. Her first stop was normally at the small bakery where she would get a cinnamon roll the size of her face or a loaf of pumpkin bread. She wasn't particularly hungry though. She wanted to do something new; something exotic.

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