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I promise to be myself on every occasion.
To take responsibility for myself and my actions.
Smile as much as possible, because what's the harm?
To cut off the toxic/fake hoes in my life.
To stay loyal to the people that stay loyal to me.
To care about myself mentally, physically and emotionally.
To become more attached on a new level.
To glow up and grow up.
To forget the ex.
Forget FOMO.
Forget wallowing.
Forget BS.
It's all on me to become stronger.
I promise to laugh more.
I promise to be true.
I promise to be MŶSE£F.

So today i start this guide. I'm excited and hope it grows a bunch. So if you're reading this. Take this oath. Right it down. Say it out loud. Say it every day if you want. Hopefully this book brings help and advice to everyone who decides to read and follow this guide of self care.


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