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Before i start writing tips and shit. Let's establish a list

On this list you will be writing what you like about yourself. Two for appearance. Two for personality (minimum) Here's one i did:

My lips
✏My beautiful brown skin
✏ I'm humorous
✏ I'm controversial
✏Good imagination

Over time on those days you are feeling yourself, go back to this list. Add some more. Also, this is not to be narcissistic. But on those days where you just feel like trash, someone treating you bad. Look at these and realize your self worth. Which is heck of alot! There is a huge difference between confidence and narcissism. If you want. You can write a list of things you want to improve on. Of course with good cause. Not cause you're comparing yourself to someone else (guilty🙌). Here's my list:

Comparing myself to others
✏ Building self respect
✏Being more social

Great! We established a list! Please hold while I turn on Dora screaming "WE DID IT"

I can now proceed with this book knowing we have some sort of goal. Let's get better emotionally, physically and mentally🌻

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