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The plane ride was a few hours long, I don't actually know how long it was because I lost track of time listening to my music. The plane landed and I got off to get my bags. When I got my bags and stuff I went to see if anyone had a sign with my name on it hinting they were picking me up. I saw a average hight woman with long straight brown hair and she was holding up the sign I was thinking of. I walked up to her and asked if she was the friend my mum was talking about.

After talking for a bit to the woman I got to know her better, her name was Kathy and she moved to America about a year ago and she was close to my mum. We went for food then went to Kathy's were I will be staying for a bit, the apartment was big. She said she was out a lot with work but will always be there at nights.

She showed me to my room and showed me where everything was.

I started collage on Monday so I had a couple of days to know my way around the city. (It's a Friday btw)

I went a walk for a bit since it was such a nice night.
I posted on my Instagram how beautiful the city was.

Tom POV (carry on from the last time it was his POV) (btw tom is 19)

The plane landed and I got off to get my stuff. I was in Scotland for an audition. I had to go to New York to have an interview for The Lost City Of Z.

I met Harrison at the air port doors and we got a taxi to a hotel. Before I got in the taxi I saw the girl I saw on the plane with a woman that looked a few years older, walking to a car. I got in the taxi and talked to haz about how I think I never got the part I was auditioning for in Scotland.

We finally arrived at the hotel and I got my bags from the back of the taxi. We went up to the room and I just went to bed because I have had a busy day.


It was getting dark so I went back to the flat. I went on instagram for a while then went to sleep.

——- time skip Monday ——-

I got up at 6 to get a shower and get dressed. I went out the door at 7:15 and went to get the train.

College ended at 3:30pm and I got the train back to the flat. All we did today was have a lecture on art history and stuff.

I arrived at the flat to see a happy Kathy sitting on the couch.
"Oh y/n your home! How was your first day?" She asked

"Good" I replied back.

The next few days were about the same and it was finally the weekend. I had no classes on weekends so I stayed in the flat. I sat a drew most of the day and watched films.

Again the next few weeks were the same, I got myself a routine I was use to. After about a month I came home one day to see a even happier Kathy sitting on the couch 'why is she so happy' I asked myself in my head.

"Omg y/n I have great news"

The girl on set (tom Holland x reader)Where stories live. Discover now