#5 - Elevator

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My mother was worried when I told her that I'd be coming home late from work for the next two weeks because of an important project that we need to finish at the office. I understand her worry. After all, I was her only child, and my father died last year from cancer. We live in this old apartment building where we, unfortunately, are living on the 14th floor. There's one working elevator in the building and it's the type that had been there for ages. So, malfunctions are a common thing for this lift. My mother again told me to be very careful whem coming home from work and to make sure that I leave the office with people to accompany me. It did not actually worry me because we were a handful in the office working on this project. The first night, I arrived home almost midnight, and I saw my mother waiting for me in this small lobby that we have in the building. She was standing by the elevator and was obviously waiting for me to arrive. I laughed at her and told her that she was being funny waiting for me to come home. I told her that I could already manage myself and that I'm a strong and independent woman. At her age, I told her to get a lot of rest and need not to worry about me. She did not respond to this and just entered the elevator when it opened. I pressed 14th floor and up the elevator went. The whole ride in the elevator was quiet, but I did not bother talking to her for I was also tired and was ready to hit the sheets. She probably was too. I was at her back, and I could clearly see her almost crouched back in front of me. Suddenly, the elevator stopped on the 10th floor and the doors opened. I wondered at this but thought of how old this elevator is. The hallway in front of us was so dark. It's as if no one lives on that floor. I got chills just by looking at the dark and empty hallway. I'd never been to other floors and this was my first time seeing the 10th floor. Minutes passed and the doors closed. The elevator went up again and I felt a little relieved knowing that we were almost on our floor.

"For a second, that really scared me, mom," I let out a tensed laugh and then my phone rang. I saw who was calling and I just froze. It was my mother calling. But she's right here in front of me.

My hands were already shaking when I picked up the phone.


"Are you on your way home?" no doubt, it was my mother's voice. And she was worried sick. "It's really, really late, darling."

I checked my watch and it was already 1:03 AM. How would that be possible? I knew I arrived at the lobby earlier at around 11 PM.

Suddenly, the woman in front of me spoke, her voice was deep, as if it was coming from the underground.

"Did you really think I was your mother?"

Then, slowly, she was turning to face me.


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