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The familiar ding of my phone brings me from my place in my bed as I reach for my phone on the floor. I press a button and the screen brightly illuminates the room, causing me to wince as my regime's burn.

Y/U/N: Hey. . .

I look awkwardly at the text the sit up in my bed more to reply back.

Kellin: Hey?
Kellin: It's like 2 am

Y/U/N: Yeah, I know
Y/U/N: I usually can't sleep, remember?
Y/U/N: You should considering you're the same way

Kellin: Yeah
Kellin: I remember.

Y/U/N: Yeah. . .
Y/U/N: I've just had a lot on my mind recently.
Y/U/N: if you couldn't tell. . .
Y/U/N: from earlier. . .

Kellin: So I've noticed lol
Kellin: but me too. . .

Y/U/N: Gah I'm so tired until I try to sleep.
Y/U/N: It's so annoying

Kellin: IKR! Same

Y/U/N: lol the struggles are real.

Kellin: You bet
Kellin: 'The Struggles Of Finding Sleep' written by Y/n Y/l and Kellin Quinn

Y/U/N: Yeah lol
Y/U/N: Why don't you use your full name?

I don't know why but the last question make my heart drop as my stomach turns. I never really talked to her about it, nor to anyone about it. When people ask, I normally go by Kellin Quinn.

However, I could've sworn I told her. Maybe I'm thinking about  the made  up scenarios in my head. I don't know.

Kellin: I don't like talking about it.

Y/U/N: Oh.
Y/U/N: Can I at least know?
Y/U/N: please...

Kellin: I don't like talking about it
Kellin: I just don't like my last name, okay
Kellin: That's it

Y/U/N: okay.
Y/U/N: Okay, I won't force you to tell me.

Kellin: Thank you.

The conversation falls flat. The text stop all of a sudden and now I just lay in the darkness of my room. Should I apologize to her? Maybe. . .

My thoughts are all sorts of jumbled and messed up. Everything I'm thinking about leads back to the conversation earlier, and the conversation now. The two mix in my mind.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrates. I turn on the screen and read the new message with saddened emotions.

Y/U/N: Kellin. . . Am I a burden?

Kellin: Wtf? Hell no
Kellin: you're the opposite of a burden.
Kellin: and before you type anything, I'm not just saying that.
Kellin: I love you, Y/n and I would do anything to make you feel better

My heart pounds against my ribcage. Anxiety runs through me.

Y/U/N: Okay...
Y/U/N: I just thought

Kellin: Why?

Regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret regret. Maybe I shouldn't of asked.

Y/U/N: I don't know.
Y/U/N: I'm just thinking right now.

Kellin: You know you can tell me everything, right?
Kellin: I mean, who would I tell?

Y/U/N: Yeah...

Kellin: Yeah

Honestly I have no idea what this chapter is about or what happened in the rest of the book but I'm going to post this anyway bcuz I have no idea when the last I even got onto this account was. Also I accidentally replied to some comments on my other account, KellinWantsToBeSexy haha oops

When Everythings Okay | Kellin Quinn X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now