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"Milania, let's go. We have to get there before more paparazzi stampede into the lobby." My manager, Jess, rushed me as I gathered my belongings and shoved them into my bag. When I heard 'more paparazzi', I picked up the pace.

We rushed off of the jet and 'sprinted', well Jess sprinted while my long legs kept me going at the same pace as her, through the tube that connected the jet and the airport. The main lobby finally came into view, the glass doors of the exit looking so far away but still there. Then, a swarm of fans mixed with paparazzi came towards us at full speed. My security attempting to hold them back as gently as possible.

"Milania! Can I have a picture please!" A fan yelled, her tone hopeful. Many other fans screaming as well but I had somehow heard hers through it all. I looked at Jess for approval before getting a head nod that meant 'make it quick'. I then rushed towards the fan that had called out to me and had tears running down her pretty little face.

Hugging her quickly, telling her how beautiful she was, also telling her not to cry and signed a poster for her. Then, moved onto another fan.

I got through a couple of more fans before the air became thick and stuffy, making it hard to breathe. My eyes began to brim with tears, and my heart began to pound quicker with every second that I was stuck in between the many fans.

Oh god no.

"Give her space! Get back!" Someone yelled. My fans backed away respectfully but the paparazzi pushed forward, snapping pictures of my tear-stained face. They formed a blinding light from their cluttered cameras, making me feel small and vulnerable.

"Milania! Why don't you want to take pictures with your fans?"

"Don't you love your fans?"

"Are you too good to take pictures with your fans?"

"Come on! Don't be a stuck up bitch!" The last comment set me off, so I pushed through a couple of paparazzi and sprinted in a random direction. I didn't know where but it was better than being bombarded with rude comments and questions.

Of course, I loved my fans, I adore them. Without them, I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't be who I am today. They are my supporters. But I still ran, I had to find coverage. My fans knew about my social anxiety and severe anxiety attacks. They helped me get through my issues and helped me become a better person. Finally, I stopped running. I didn't know where I was but it would do for now. Sitting on the cool floor, my body slouched from exhaustion, attempting to catch my breath. That's when I heard the flush of a toilet, I sighed. I made it to the restroom, that's great.

And of course, things never go my way. The restroom door opened and a guy around my age walked in casually. He didn't seem to notice me at first but must've heard my erratic breathing because he turned to face me.

Then, he slowly walked over to me, as if I was ticking bomb that would explode at any moment, "Hey, you okay?" His velvety voice asked me, concern visible in his eyes. I couldn't muster any words so I just nodded, trying to hide my face. The stranger obviously caught my lie and said, "I know you aren't. Come on, let me help you." He extended his hand towards me with a small comforting smile on his face.

I studied his face closely, pretty hazel eyes that most people would kill for, long dark eyelashes, a strong and smooth looking jaw. The stranger was fairly tall, around 6'3 or 6'2 which meant he towered over my 5'7 figure. He looked like what most people would picture or describe as the perfect all American-boy, like the kind of guy that every girl would love to date and take home to their mothers.

Realizing I had probably been staring at his angel-like face for too long, I took his hand and pulled myself up with his help. After making sure I was steady and that my clothes were straight, I looked up at the stranger in front of me. An awkward moment of silence passed before he broke it.

"Um, my name is Danny. Well actually, my real name is Daniel, b-but my friends and family call me Danny. You don't have t-to call me Danny if you don't want to. I'm-I'm just-", my giggle cuts his nervous rant off.

"Well, Danny, it's nice to meet you." I smiled sweetly, holding my hands behind my back. He let out a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.

"Isn't this part where you tell me your name?"

A giggle escaped me once again, "You don't know who I am?".

"Am I supposed to? I-I didn't mean that offensively! I was just wondering! Like are-are you someone's daughter? Well, obviously you're someone's daughter! God, I'm such an idiot." He lightly smacked his forehead.

"No, no! I'm no one important, I was just kidding." I smiled again.

He doesn't know who I am! Thank god!

"Hey, how 'bout we go get some coffee at the Starbucks in here?" His voice brought me back from my mental debate with myself.

"Uh, sure." Then, a ring was heard through the restroom. I didn't know who's phone it was, so I patiently waited for him to answer his phone.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" He asked, looking flighty confused.

I snapped out of my daze and fumbled for my phone in my back pocket, "Oh, uh, yeah."

My finger swiped the green icon of a phone on the screen, "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you, Milania? Do you know how worried I was? Your security? Your damn fans! Of course, you don't, you were too busy ignoring my calls! Dammit Milania, you can't run off when you have an anxiety attack! You could've gotten hurt! Someone could've kidnapped you or-or raped you or worst of all, aliens could've abducted you! Your parents would kill me if something hap-" Jess rambled on but I soon cut her off.

"Jess, calm down."

"Don't tell me to 'calm down', Milania!"

"But you should be calm because I'm perfectly fine!" I informed her, knowing that she only needed me to confirm that I was okay.

She let out a loud sigh, "Just tell me that you're safe."

"I am safe, Jess. I even made a new friend!" I reassured her.

Another loud sigh was heard, "Fine, just, be safe and call Paul whenever you and your friend are done hanging out. Remember, Milania, you have an interview in the morning, so no staying out late."

"Okay, I promise."

We exchanged our goodbyes before hanging up and I put my phone in my back pocket again, "So how about that Starbucks?"


A new story that I've been wanting to write for the longest time, I just never got to it! :p Oh 🐳

I really hope I get far with this one!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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