Chapter Five

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Sophia twirled a loose blonde curl with a thin finger, her blue gaze focused on the dark wooden dining table in front of her. She was struggling to think of a topic to talk about, let alone to even look at the man she is to marry sitting nearby.

"Lady Sophia, are you certain everything is alright? You seemed dazed, distracted." Carmen said softly, her dark brown orbs filled with genuine concern for the young lady. It was normal for the handmaiden to be worried. She's taken care of her since Sophia was barely eight years old.

"I'm fine Carmen, thank you," Sophie quickly responded. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. She just wanted to get something to eat and get this whole ordeal over with. Her heart was pounding and she was certain her face was red. Embarrassment was the only thing she truly felt at the moment. She fainted right in the mansion's doorway! Oh, why did she let herself get so surprised?

Very slowly, she managed to turn her blue eyes in the direction of where Lord Damon sat, his one visible violet eye meeting hers. Quickly averting her gaze with wide eyes, she softly cleared her throat which suddenly felt very dry.

"Lady Sophia, I'd like to ask you a few questions if you do not mind. Are you still interested in reading?" Damon spoke in his smooth, deep voice as he awaited the meal to arrive at the table. He fiddled with the golden top of his cane that leaned against his chair, and even though Sophie did not know it, under his calm exterior he too was a nervous wreck on the inside.

"Hmm?" Sophia snapped her head up and met Damon's eyes yet again, gripping the skirt of her gown under the table. What did he say? Oh, reading. "Y-Yes, I love to read. I've read every book we have in our library back home. My brother, Johnathan, he buys me a new book every other week and I always finish them in a few short days."

Speaking about her elder brother calmed her nerves, and at least this was something she'd discussed with Damon through the letters they sent back and forth. She could recall when they spoke about their favorite types of books. Naturally, hers are fantasy. Far off places, mythical creatures, adventures she can only dream of having.

"After lunch then I'd like to show you something. Just the two of us. Carmen can help Arthur clean up. Does that sound fine?" Damon's grip relaxed on his cane handle, and he managed a very slight smile on his thin lips.

"Just the two of us?" Sophie's stomach began to flutter, her hands shaking uncontrollably under the table from the sheer nervousness the young lady felt. The thought of being alone with this intimidating man who could easily overpower her without Carmen nearby made her worry like mad. But she doesn't want to appear rude. He wants to show her something, she better accept. Carmen can't be around forever after all. "C-Certainly. I...I would love to."

Lord Damon could tell she was hesitant to agree, but he had to understand she was meeting a near complete stranger for the first time. She's only fourteen. "It is settled then. After dinner, we will go to the third floor."

Carmen eyed the dark-haired Lord suspiciously behind her reddish colored hair. Did he have ill intentions? He seemed like a polite young man, but she knows looks can often be deceiving. For example, Sophie looks like a weak girl who would fall in a single blow, but in fact, her Mistress would get back up again despite how many times anyone could hit her. It is one of the things that the handmaiden admired about her.

The wooden swinging door opened and Arthur emerged with two trays balancing neatly on his arms. A few maids followed behind him with steaming dishes and plates, a younger one pushing a tea cart with a polite smile on her face as she looked at the young noblewoman and Carmen.

The young lady returned the polite smile, surprised at how young the maid looked. She couldn't be more than nineteen. She was quite pretty too. Thin features, full lips, bright green eyes, and long light brown hair. Sophie thought she looked like she could be a princess straight out of one of her fairy stories.

A plate was placed in front of her and she turned her attention to this, observing the delicious looking, steaming food in front of her. She suddenly felt so hungry, remembering she hadn't had time for breakfast and could only eat the Raspberry tart her brother snuck for her to eat in the carriage.

Cooked carrots next to a perfectly cooked chunk of beef, mashed potatoes with gravy drizzled over the white mountain, and a small pile of salted corn. A few stray pieces were scattered across the plate, but she was not going to complain at all. It looked like a lovely meal that took some time to prepare.

Thanking the servants in a soft tone, she picked up the fork in one hand while Arthur poured tea for Damon and Sophie. Carmen was going to eat in the servants quarters after she helped clean up, as a handmaiden should.

Even if Sophie was kind to her, Carmen knew her place and would not try and step over any boundaries. She was content where she was. Serving a kind hearted girl, a good home, good food, and enough money to afford what she only needed. The handmaiden loves everything about her life and imagines nothing could be better.

Damon thanked whoever was looking out for him that his guest was enjoying her food. For dessert, he has planned a raspberry dessert. He remembers perfectly how much she seemed to like raspberry in her letters. The young nobleman has tried to arrange everything to be absolutely perfect for this visit. He would hate to ruin Sophie's impression of him at their first meeting. For now at least, things were going smoothly. 

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