Drew, Wes, Keats, and I left me and Drew’s apartment and went to this café on the beach so that we could surf after lunch.
“I’m Wesley, and I’ll be your waiter today,” I looked up at the waiter and saw his name tag.
It actually said Wesley.
We all started laughing and he looked really confused.
“What’s so funny, beautiful?”
I stopped laughing and looked up at this guy.
Was he seriously trying to flirt with me?
This only made Wes and Keats laugh harder, but Drew stopped laughing and looked at the dude like he was delusional.
“Uh, dude, you need a Tic-Tac. Your breath reeks of desperation,” I said to the guy and everyone was giggling.
Wesley the waiter flushed from embarrassment and left to get us a different waiter. We watched him walk off to a girl who was making out with a co-worker. The blonde stalked over to us with boobs bigger than Jupiter and-
Drew was staring up at his girlfriend, pissed as hell.
“Oh, hey, Drew-bear!” she said nervously, “Wh-what’s up?”
Drew didn’t even say anything. He walked out the café, face redder that a tomato.
“Dude! Come back,” Wes yelled. He and Keaton ran after Drew.
I stared up at this chick.
“You’re a terrible person! You cheating whore! I hope you get Chlamydia!”
And then I punched her fake tit which popped and soaked her with water.
I went after Drew and the guys, preparing myself for what was going to happen because I was sure it was going to be ugly.
I found Keaton and Wesley at the beach, but no drew.
“Can, we don’t know where he went. He started running when he heard us calling his name. What if we lost him? What if he’s so pissed, he never comes home and we never see each other again!? I’m gonna lose my best friend, besides Keats, though. You know I love you Keats, right? Please don’t leave me man. Please,” Wes said grabbing a surprised Keaton by the shoulders.
“Pull yourself together, boy! We’ve got bigger problems than you!” I said and then turned my attention to Keaton.
“Help your idiot brother pull himself together and I’ll go find Drew. Here’s my key. Go back to my apartment and I’ll meet you guys there when I find Drew.”
He nodded sternly and left.
I walked down to the beach, to all the nearby surf shops, any gym close to here and even went to the ice cream parlor.
Still no Drew.
Then a light bulb finally went off and I knew exactly where he was.
There was an old park Drew and I went to whenever our parents were gonna or if we wanted to use our BB guns. He just had to be there. I just know he is.
I walked about 20 minutes to find the park.
Whadya know! It’s Drew!
He was sitting on a swing, puffy, red eyes and a tear-stained face. Never had I ever seen my best friend cry THIS hard over a girl.

How We Are
Teen FictionWe thought it was platonic. Then he fell, and I hadn't realized that I was there to catch him when he did. And now here we are. Telling you our story of how we were and how we are.