নয় 9 নয় (UPDATED 12/17/2023)

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They sat at a booth. Neither of them had an appetite so they just ordered coffee. Indie wondered why the mood became so thick between them. She hoped he wasn't feeling embarrassed about what happened earlier. Just as she was about to try to soothe his pride, he began to speak.

"Indira Kalindi Gray. I know we have only known each other for a very short time, but there is something so magical and wonderful about you. I can't imagine not seeing you every day. I need to ask you a question and I don't want you to just think with that beautiful mind of yours. I want you to consider this question with your body, mind, and spirit." Indie looked in his eyes as he made his statement. She felt like he was proposing, but there was no way that he would possibly propose to her.

Eastern Indians were well known for marrying strictly within their culture. She was an African American Christian. He was Indian and practiced Hinduism. He was from INDIA and she was from AMERICA. There were approximately 8,000 miles between their homes. They barely knew one another. She was not slim like the beautiful Indian brides you see in Bollywood movies. Indie was a beautiful chocolate Devi, and her body got her in a lot of trouble because some guys really liked the curves and the thickness she possessed.

Vijay Maharaja Chaudhuri was on an international level. He was a freaking billionaire businessman. The little bit of research she was able to do at work reflected that his family was once in the royal seat of his state. She even found that his name meant "Victorious Great King". There was no way he could possibly want to marry her. As the last thought crossed her mind, Vijay stood next to her seat. Indie turned around to face him. Before she had an opportunity to say a word, he leaned down and kissed her with the intensity of a collision between the moon and the sun. Indie's head was swimming as Vijay descended to eye level and he was in front of her on one knee. Lights were flashing from all around the building as the couple stared into each other's eyes.

"Indira Kalindi Gray, you were created for me and I was created for you. Please don't make me suffer in this cruel world without you any longer. My Indie sweet Indie, Will You Marry Me.....PLEASE?" He said the words and the tears streaming from his eyes seared them in her heart. Indie knew it was crazy, but she could not say no to this beautiful man. He touched her soul. She decided to end the suffering she felt pouring from him.

"YES!!!" She screamed. Indie wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up and down like a little girl. She kissed him passionately and allowed him the place the exquisite Ruby and Diamond engagement ring on her finger. He stood up and lifted her from the floor as he kissed her.

It was not his intention to make such a scene, but he could not stop the course of things to come. Everything happened for a reason. He knew that the world would soon come to understand why he needed this precious exotic flower in his life. She contained the secrets and the keys of life. He needed her more than she could ever need him.

As they stood there kissing and locked in a sweet yet passionate embrace, a storm was brewing.... and his name was Scott Lucas Neal.


Today was the day that Scott would propose to Indie. The woman was more than just his longtime friend, she was everything good and peaceful in his life. She made him feel like a man and she always made him smile. On many occasions, she would make him laugh so hard he would forget about all the troubles in his world. Running a multi-million-dollar corporation was extremely stressful. Being pressured by his family to get married was maddening. He worked long and hard to make himself indispensable so that when he presented his wife, the family would go with the flow without doing anything stupid.

His family saw a $200 million growth in their net worth ever since Scott took over his father's position as CEO of what was once Neal Oil LLC. The company changed its name to Neal Oil Holdings when they ventured into electronics and internet technology. Scott was a brilliant financial investments prodigy. He had a knack for selecting people, products, and services in which to invest. The one investment he held off of for two years was Indie. His gut told him to marry her previously, nearly one year to the day. For some reason, he did not listen. He had to be sure it was the right decision. Finally, he settled it in his mind and heart to ask her on the night she showed him her new paintings, but he lost his nerve.

When he saw her enter and leave the Baccarat Hotel, he strengthened his resolve. He would not wait any longer. He researched the mystery man to find that he was an unspeakably wealthy businessman from India. The man's name was Vijay Maharaja Chaudhuri. He was the only son of a family that was once in the royal succession and he was very much a single man. Once he read that information, he knew he had to act quickly.


Scott stopped to grab some coffee for Indie and himself when he saw cameras flashing and everyone congratulating a couple. He smiled thinking that soon he would have the pleasure of the same experience. When he looked up again, his heart stopped beating. He walked in just far enough to see the same man from this morning on his knee proposing to his girl. She was crying as she grabbed the foreigner's neck and they kissed as if they had known one another for a lifetime.

The person behind the counter tried to get his attention. Before Scott could quiet his anger, he walked over and grabbed the guy by his collar. Once he spun him around, his fist connected, and three guys came out of nowhere to detain him.

"Scott. Oh my god. What are you doing? What is wrong with you?" Indie cried as she rushed to the victim's side. She kissed Vijay's face and apologized for her friend's actions. Indie tried to explain that he must have been trying to protect her.

"Indie. I was going to ask you to marry me!!!!" The most tortured and heartbreaking scream was released from Scott. He crumpled down to the ground and she felt a heavyweight descend from above. She ran over to confirm what he said. His eyes told no lies. She could see that his heart was ripped apart.

"Are you serious? Why haven't you told me? Why would you do this now?" Indie started crying and screaming at Scott. How could he do this? How could he wait this long and tell her the day she said yes to the man she believed was her true love. If Scott had asked her before now, she would have never met Vijay. Her mind would only be focused on Scott and no one would be able to break that. There was love and respect for him was as a friend, but she once believed they could have something together. After giving him time to make her feel anything, Indie just accepted the fact that he was nothing more than a friend. She did not want to put their relationship in a weird place by trying to pursue someone who wasn't interested in her. She was so angry and disappointed in Scott. Indie got up, grabbed Vijay's hand, and they walked away.


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