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Jessica's pov

Warm tears rolled down my face as more hate comments started popping up on this post saying I was pregnant.

Normally I don't let the hate get to me but these... these hurt. They dig deep. I can't let them win. I need it be strong. Like grandma. She is the strongest person I know. Be strong Jessica be strong. I wiped my cheeks with my thumbs. Gosh I'm so pathetic.

"Jessica! Are you okay? No no don't cry ah shit no!" Nikole said bursting through my door, crashing down on me. What is she doing here? I thought she was at Charles?

"Dude I'm okay chill." I say calmly, rubbing her back.

"Then why are you crying? He didn't hurt you did he? I'll kill him. Where is he? I'm getting the ba-" She rambled getting up to search for what I'm guessing is her bat.

"Shut up Nik!!! It's not joey. It's this this this stupid ass post. People are already reposting it!! Hating on me! What do I do?!" I yelled standing up.

This can't be happening to me right now can it. I'm so stupid. It's only been what close to 9 months with Joey. How could I have let that happen? I tugged at my hair very frustrated at the fact that someone found out. Everyone hates me now. I'm only 18.

"I don't know. We will figure something out. Just try your best to ignore the reposting and the comments who cares. We will get grandma and talk to her about... Jess.... Jessica" Nik shakes my shoulders, standing in front of me, worry and confusion on her face.

"Yeah. Yeah ignore them sure." I told her. I can't. Not this time.

"Okay then. Anyways we are gonna talk to grandma.... " She continues talking trying to figure everything out while I stare into space thinking.

Do I matter? If I were gone would anyone care? If I wasn't even here would anything be different? If I wasn't here there would be no problems right? What is wrong with me? Does he love me? What if he was lying this whole time just to sleep with me?

Used. I feel used right now. Did he really use me? What if he did? But what if he didn't?

"Earth to Jessica," Nik snaps her fingers in my face, "are you even listening to me."

"Uh yeah sorry I zoned out." I shook my head. My eyes landed on my phone. I wonder what they are saying now.

"Hey could you go get me some ibuprofen my head hurts?" I asked her laying on my bed. She eyed me suspiciously then walked out to go get the medicine I asked for.

I picked up my phone unlocking it then refreshing the comments. Lots more.


Another rat being born into this world fr?


I can't stand the thought of them having a child it's gross

Ew really


I'ma puke brb lemme just bleh

Kill yourself

My eyes sting from trying not to let more tears find their way down my cheeks. Kill myself...

"Why are you trying to torture yourself?!" Nik screamed as she walked in. Really... my head bro not cool.

"Medicine?" I grunted glaring at her. She looked shocked but quickly covered it up frowning at me.

"Here dude." She threw the pill bottle to me along with a water bottle.

"Wow thanks for throwing it at me." I mumbled.

"Oh I'm sorry would you like me to go back out of the room then come back in and retry. Because you know once I leave you'll just end up reading more comments that are bullshit. You're killing yourself Jess." She shook me once more.

"Maybe I should!!" I yelled in her face. She became quiet. She backed up away from me while looking down. I shook my head.

Oh no no. Why did I say that? Stupid idiot oh god.

"Wha- what?" Nik whispers looking up at me with glossy eyes.

Shit. Now I've done it.

"I didn't mean it I swear!" I said shaking my head hugging her.

"Get off me." She said sternly looking back down. Huh?

"What?" I asked, stepping back, resting my hands on her shoulders. I can't believe I said that. Ugh selfish selfish.

"Get your hands off of me before I do something I will regret." She says, her voice deeper than normal. My jaw dropped. My hands reluctantly fell to my side.

"Nikole I didn't mean it. It just came out. It was one of those jokes you know whe-" My sentence got cut off. My hand shot up to my cheek that now stings.

She just slapped me. Now I'm mad. She knows damn well that makes me mad.

"Stupid bitch." Nik huffed still looking down. Excuse me?! I stepped forward, my hand balling into a fist. As I did she held her hand out stopping me then looking up. Her eye color was a shade darker.

"You don't get to leave like that. You can't just leave me alone in this world! You can't leave like THEY DID TO US!"

My weakness. The hand on my cheek fell to my side. Nik took a couple steps forward then pulled me into a tight hug.

"You aren't going to leave grandma and I. We all need you here. Get that through your head. I never ever want to here that come out of your mouth again." Her voice coming out just above a whisper.

She is right. I can't believe I even thought about it. As for the slap I guess thats payback for the time she told me she wanted to. But I didn't slap her. I punched the living daylights out of her. Anger got the best of me oops.

"I'm so sorry. " I squeezed my eyes shut, hugging her closer to me.

"You're gonna have to tell Joey you know." Nik pulled back, wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"I know." I sighed. He already kinda knows. He just doesn't know if it's real or fake.

"I'll call him and tell him to come over." Nik said grabbing her phone. Here we go.


I've been sitting beside the front door for about an hour. My leg bounced up and down to the rhythm of the clocks ticking on the wall in front of me.

Finally I heard a knock. I quickly stood up looking through the peep hole. Yup it's him. I opened the door.

"Hi." I said nervously.

"Hey gorgeous." Joey pulled me by the hips, taking my lips into a gentle and sweet kiss.

"Come on." I pulled back smiling. I lead him to my room. Nik was already in there reading who knows what on her phone. She looked up as I walked in with Joey behind me.

"You okay?" She mouthed. I nodded sitting next to her.

"Okay. How do you wanna start this?" Joey asked scratching the back of his neck.

"By telling you the truth." I said. I felt Nik grab my hand squeezing it slightly.

"Okay. No matter what I love you, you know that right." Joey said coming over to me basically crushing me with his weight. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. I looked at the 2 most important people in my life. Grandma is too but she isn't here.

"It's true. I'm pregnant Joey." I looked over at my boyfriend seeing a huge smile on his face.


ha this is for Jessica and the chick that told me she was gonna hack me lmao and well ofc everyone else but still yknow okay yeah whatever love you guys

thank you guys sm

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