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Hey kiddos!! That's Jessica's wedding dress up above. Pretty cute right? Anyways hope you enjoy!! :-)


"AHHHHH SIS I'M HERE!! IS YO SEXY BITCH ASS AWAKE!?!?" Nikole running in yelling. She's so loud oh my gosh.

I've been awake for at least an hour daydreaming of how today will go. It's probably the most important day of my life, besides the one where I had my daughter of course. Last week we went out dress shopping. We meaning Nikole, Ariel, Nathan, and I. We didn't take Ray because she would blab on to you know who about my dress and what it looks like.

We went to a store freaking two towns over. The store was smaller than I expected but the dresses inside were absolutely beautiful. From shiny and shimmers to plain and simple. I couldn't believe how many dresses could fit in such a small store. Apparently this store belongs to a very old friend's aunt. I never knew about it but I guess Nik did.

Joey and I have been planning for about 3 months. It took a while to find a place to have our wedding. We ended up choosing a church by the beach and have the reception after outside. It's going to be wonderful. My stomach is full if fireworks just thinking about it all.

"I'm in my room!!" I yell back. I moved out of my grandma's house before Ray was born then moved into an apartment with Joey. It's only about a 20 minute drive there so I still get to see my grandma and take care of her when Nikole isn't.

"Let's get you ready." She says rushing in a grabbing me.

"Hey now slow down I have a headache." I slightly pushed her giggling. She took me out last night. We drank until we passed out. Probably wasn't a good idea but oh well.

"Have you taken any medicine?" She turns around giving me a look that says You're a dumbass.

"I've been thinking okay I haven't got to it so look at me like I'm stupid." I smack the back of her head and speed walk to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I could hear her mumbling under her breath about eating all my food. That made me laugh.

"Don't make me sing country songs Nikole!!" I yell laughing.

"NO DON'T YOU DARE!" She started banging on the door.

"Fucking chill I'm going to take a shower. Don't eat everything and don't break anything." I say opening the door to make sure she's listening to me.

"Yeah yeah. Hurry up so I can do your hair. We need to get there at 3. It's 11. Chop chop." She stated walking away. And I thought I was supposed to be the bridezilla. Nikole has made about 7 people cry and 2 quit their jobs and it's not even her wedding. Yes I've made people cry throughout this process but jeez it's not her wedding. I smiled at the thought that she cares so much.

I take my time in the shower making sure I shave decently and use the right body wash, the one Joey likes. Once I'm finished I wrap the towel around me tightly and start to brush my teeth. Minty freshness!!!! I'm like a child stuck in an adults body.

Oops I took too long.

"Are you stupid or something?! You took an hour and a half!!" Nikole walked in with bread in her mouth. I rolled my eyes as she scrambled to get all the hair and makeup products she's going to use.

"I wanted to make sure I smelt good. Is that wrong?" I sat on the stool she pulled over. She huffed not answering. That's what I thought.

"Don't move or I'll accidently burn you." She mumbled, focusing on the different shades of a makeup palette.

Funny story. Back in seventh grade we got a hair curler for Christmas and when we used it I wouldn't stop moving and she burnt my hair off. I was livid. Grandma grounded her for a week. I rubbed it in her face.

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