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Jingle jingle I was greeted while Buffy and I walked into the spoon. A waiter came up to us ands said, "what would you two like?" I looked up and saw amber. She noticed me and smirked back. I quickly and awkwardly looked down at my lap.
"Umm we'll have two chocolate shakes and a plate of baby taters," Buffy orders. Amber smirked.
"Ok I will be right back with that," Buffy smiled back to amber as she walk away studying our order.
"So. What's up?" Buffy asked. I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and it read, one new message from
Jonah Beck. The text read,"You're Girly".
What?Jonah Beck thinks I'M girly?! Me. I'm GIRLY?!
"He called. Me. Girly."I said as I stared devastatingly at my phone.
"Who?" Buffy says taking my phone out of my hand. My hand still remains the same shape as if I was still holding the phone.
"Oh." Buffy says confused. I moved my hand to my lap.
"What do I do? What do I say back? Do I say anything back?" I say all fast and confused.
"Cyrus.Cyrus. Calm down. It...could have just been...autocorrect," Buffy says.
"For what?!" I asked kind of rudely.
"I don't know..." Buffy said as she studied the text.
"Here are your baby taters and chocolate shakes! Enjoy!" Amber says setting the baby taters and the shakes in front of us.
"Thanks," Buffy says to her. Amber starts walking away.
"Do you think I'm girly?" I asked her pure sadness and embarrassment in my face and my slightly stuttery voice. 
"No. Not at all. How 'bout you ask him tomorrow at school?"  She says looking me right in the eye.

                                      The next day...
I walked into the school. Alone this time. Usually, I'm with Buffy and Andi but I decide to go alone today.  I find Jonah and see he's alone  at his Locker. I walk kinda swiftly behind him and say, " do you think I'm girly?" I ask anger, nervousness, and a little bit of embarrassment in my voice.
"What do you mean? Of course I don't think you're girly," Jonah said that beautiful trademark smile exposed on his face.
"But...but...the text...," I say back to him.
"Oh, the text. Ya, it was supposed to say you're gnarly, not "you're Girly","   Jonah says back, "See you in science!" He says as he walks away with his binder and notebook In his hand.  Jonah thinks I'M GNARLY?! Me. IM gnarly?! THE JONAH BECK thinks I'M gnarly?! This is the best day to ever happen in all of the galaxies in all of the universes ever.  Jonah FREAKING Beck thinks I'M gnarly. I quickly spot Buffy and speed walk over to her and say, " he thinks I'm gnarly. ME I'M gnarly. Jonah Beck thinks I'm gnarly,". I say to her my face red with excitement. 
"So it WAS autocorrect. Told you,"  Buffy says. Walking fastly in Front of me flipping Her hair as I trail about a foot behind her. Andi joins us.
"So who thinks who is gnarly?" Andi questions walking right by Buffy  leaving me behind. But I eventually caught up.
"Jonah Beck thinks I'M gnarly. ME?." I say to her all confused and excited like. 
Andi giggles and says, "Congratulations, Cyrus," Buffy and her giggle.
I walk into class taking my seat in the front row as usual. I see Jonah walk in and sit all the way in the back.
"Ok class today you will be getting lab partners for two weeks you will be working with..." Mr. Lowelys voice trailed off as I lost my self as I was staring out of the window. I was cut from my gazing as I heard a voice, " hey," I looked up to see Jonah Beck standing right in front of me. Smiling widely.
"Hi," I say back to him he takes a seat right next to me.
"So wanna come over to my house to work on the project?"  He said.
"Yeah, sure," I said back to him. This will be horrifying yet great.

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