The next day...

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I woke up to my alarm sounding and I groaned and got up. I pick up my phone and checked it. I had a text from jonah. I sat back down on the bed. You can trust me... The text said I took a deep breath in and let it back out. I just realized Jonah Beck knows. I really hope I can trust him...
At school...
"Andi! Buffy! Wait up!" I said as I ran over to them. "Hey," I said out of breath. They laughed.
"Hello, Cyrus," Andi said in a tone I didn't really understand. I looked confusedly at her.
I felt someone tap my shoulder and say, "Cyrus, can I talk to you for a sec?" It was TJ. Buffy and Andi looked at us confused as he asked me the question.
"Y-Yeah, sure," I said confused why he wanted to talk. We had a breakfast hour first which is optional, so we wouldn't miss any class. He took me to a separate hall and he looked around to see if anyone was coming. It was a fairly short hallway because there were double doors right to the right of us.
TJ was against the wall and had me close and he asked, "Are we sure we can trust him?" He said grabbing my hand in mid sentence.
"I'm sure," I said squeezing his hand. He smiled, though his lips were still shut.
He scanned my body and said, " I'll go first," I shook my head. "Wait till you can't see me, kay?" I shook my head again. He left. I waited about thirty seconds just to make sure and I went to the cafeteria and sat by my friends. I took a seat by Jonah.
"What was that all about?" Asked Buffy confused. I blushed and started to shake my leg and I look over at Jonah who made eye contact with me. He quickly looked down and left me alone.
"Oh, that? I-it was nothing," I stuttered out. Buffy and Andi looked at each other and giggled.
"What ever you say," Buffy said making her and Andi spirt into laughter again. I sighed. The bell rang.
"Hello class, sit in your pairs, please, now you will have the entire period to work on your projects," The teacher said.he went back to his coffee mug and his laptop.
"At least we have time to work here," Said Jonah. He snickered at the end. I don't really know..but it kinda made me feel...warm inside, but it also reminded me about my mom...I hope she's okay..."Hey, Cyrus? What's up?" Jonah asked looking at me since I was staring into space for a little while.
"It's TJ...H-He doesn't trust you," I said looking down only shooting him glances of eye contact. He looks hurt but I couldn't tell because he  was trying to hide it.
"Oh," He said to me, Asking. Me why with his eyes 
I answered with, "i don't know...He thinks you'll tell someone else and he just wanted us to be kept a secret, just me and him. Him and I, ya know?" I told him. He look comfortingly at me. then the bell rang.
The next period was lunch. I grabbed my plate and I sat down with my friends. I took the seat across Andi and next to Jonah  I saw tj walk by with two Chocolate muffins on his tray and he taped me on the shoulder and said, " Hey...Why— don't you come sit by us," He's said. My friends watching. I stood up and left with out saying anything my friends watched as I got up and left.We walked over to the empty booth on the fair side of the cafeteria and we were completely on the opposite side of my friends and I looked over and there were watching. And I. Think that they were trying to guess what we were talking about. "I don't think you should be friends with him, Cy. I-it's just that I think you shouldn't trust him," TJ said as he seemed really stressed and worried.
" But how? He hangs out with Buffy and Andi and I like all the time so it would kinda be hard," I said to him kind of in a ruder tone then I should've used.
He looked down and said, "Then, I think you need to get rid of them, too," He said looking upset at me.
"I'll try to figure this out, because I care about you, TJ," I looked at him and I said that more quietly then I was be fore so people didn't hear.
"Hey,Chocolate Chip Muffin, You forgot your chocolate chip muffin."   I looked at him as he was handing it to me and he nodded. I pressed my lips together and kinda smiled back to thank him.
As I was walking back my friends flooded around me and Buffy asked, " What was all that about?"
I looked kind of upset at the ground and said,
" it's...personal," I said and I glanced at Jonah and he nodded. Andi and Buffy looked so confused. The bell rang.
I have math now, with TJ. I help him out a lot because he struggles in this and I sit right next to him.
"Hello class, Today you will share last nights homework answers to your partner. And You may begin," I pulled out my homework and looked over at TJ. He looked embarrassingly down at his homework. I noticed it was empty.
I erased my name and said, "here," I handed it to him.
He looked confused and said," You sure?" I looked at him half smiled to the right and nodded my head.
He smirked and said," Thanks," And he went to write his name on the paper.
THe teacher came over and got our homework and said," Goodman, Why isn't you homework done?"
"My parents were fighting again," I said to the teacher and acted to be sad.
and the teacher said," It's ok," The teacher walked away.
"Works every time," I said leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms. TJ looks down and kind of frowns.

                                               At home
—————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————
*ding* I looked over at my phone and I got a text from Jonah. It said, Hey wanna come over today and work on our project? As I was texting back, I heard another ding. I looked up and saw it was from TJ. I clicked on the notification, And I read the text. It said, Hey cy, Wanna hang? I didn't answer. I went back to Jonah's text sand answered with, Sure. I' ll be there in ten. But, we need to talk first.
I walked over to Jonah's door and I knocked on it. He answered. "Hey," I answered. And I barged in him taking a step backwards to get out of my way.
"What's up he asked as I walked to his bedroom and sat on his bed. He followed and shut the door behind him and he sat to the right of me on his bed.
I sighed and said.,"we can't be friends," I said looking at him. His face full of sadness and confusion.
"Why? I-I thought-".
I cut him off and said," It's TJ...He doesn't trust you," I said,"I like being your friend but-," He cut me off.
"Why do you listen to him?" He said. He looked pretty sad.
"I-I like him, Jonah," I told him.
"I-I don't understand that," Jonah said, He looked really confused.
Tears started in my eyes," I-It's like... You and amber," I explained to him,"So like what you feel when you hold ambers hand, That's what I feel when I hold t-," I saw him get closer to me. He grabbed me and then he kissed me...But I'm with tj I-I can't like him, To? He released and immediately stood up and started pacing.
"Yuh-yuh-you need to go," He said looking at the ground ashamed and pointing shakily at the door. Tears in his eyes. His face red. Hand covering it. my face immediately flushed, And I grabbed my things and went out of the door.

A/N: Hey!And that was the third chapter!! I hope you enjoyed! Please remember to vote and comment! 1404 words!

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