Chapter 17 | He Could Be the One

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Hailey sighed with content. Life only seemed to get better and better. The one thing that would make it all perfect would be getting into a university with a full ride. That was her ultimate goal. That way Josh didn't have to worry about her expenses nor how to pay for her education. She'd get to kill two birds with one stone.

Hailey rolled over on her bed and saw Ben watching her from the door. She let out a scream. How long had he been there? It couldn't have been that long? He was still wearing his baseball gear. He must of had an early practice. It was around at eleven in the morning.

"About time you notice me. I thought you were never going to leave your little fantasy." Ben said walking in. He went towards her desk and sat down on the swivel chair. Hailey didn't bother to sit up right. It was her room and she was in her bed.

"I wasn't daydreaming." She defended. Usually, she would be, but she was just thinking about life and everything good about it.

"Either way, what were you thinking about?" Ben asked as he twisted around in the chair. Sometimes Hailey didn't understand how this was her older brother. He acted younger than Trinity at times.

"Life." She stated vaguely. She heard Ben scoff.

"Life with Zac." He teased. Her cheeks subconsciously tinted pink at the mention of the boy. She couldn't stop thinking about him. He had taken her to Disneyland! Who takes someone to Disneyland as their first date? Either way, she was in awe at how sweet and caring that boy was. He was so selfless and understanding. She was crazy about him and she sensed he was crazy about her.

"Maybe, I guess. Life with Zac. I kind of like the sound of that." She said, not really thinking about her brother in the room. She suddenly began to imagine what life with Zac would be like if they did last. She smiled, thinking of what the future would hold for them. She knew that life would be great as long as she had him by her side.

"So you want a future with him. You must really like him Hails." Ben said. Hailey nodded, sitting up. Her cheeks were already pink from the words that were about to leave her mouth.

"I think he could be the one." She said, biting her bottom lip. Ben gasped. "Is that crazy?"

"No Hails." He said with a shake of his head. "If you are to be with anyone, i'm glad it's Zac."

"Thanks Ben." She replied. She then let out a giggle. She's thinking about being with Zac and she wasn't even officially with Zac. How ironic.

"What's with the giggle?" Ben asked. She shook her head.

"Nothing. Now, tell me what you want for Christmas." She said changing the subject. If she wanted to further along her list of things to do for the holiday season, she would have to stop thinking about the dreamy boy and focus on her wonderful family.


Snow grazed the ground as the holiday cheer filled their hearts. Chimneys were lit as snowman filled the streets. It was a beautiful sight to see. Just kidding. They lived in California, where it was still sunny and warm. Snow did not exist nor were there hot chocolates brewing. Plus, Zac wasn't feeling so cheery.

It had been a week since he had spoken to his father. He had hung out with Nate and Evan. They'd play video games and go out drinking. He was yet to see Hailey. He wanted to be with her, but he also wanted to live his dream. Was his father right? Was love not worth it? His heart began to beat fast as he thought about love. He knew he was falling for Hailey, to the point where he could be in love with her. He still didn't know what it really felt like. For all he knew, he could just be infatuated with her.

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